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Friday, August 28, 2015

A Surprising Lack of “Accessibility” for the Disabled in SL- LillyLacewing Reporting.

Empty Halls in the Orthopedic Shops, and Disability Hangouts.

In a world where everything is accessible to those with physical limitations, I’m very surprised to see there aren’t more places dedicated to the disabled. With the exception of the A+A Orthopedic and Disability Hangout, all other inquiries either lead me to a landmark that traps me under the disability hangout’s actual floor (highly inaccessible, or places that are more like stores that sell a cane or two, here and there.

   With so many across the world suffering from debilitating and chronic illnesses, I’m sad to see there aren’t more places for those who are ill to gather together in a friendly, supportive community. The aforementioned shop seems to only host the occasional camper, and despite my exhaustive searches, I find nothing in the way of events for the disabled…unless you count the fetish type events. In this case I don’t, no offence meant to those with the fetish, but as a young disabled woman, I would love to be able to find a place where I can chat with those who not only understand my stories, but can share their own as well. That being said, I’d still gladly cover said, (and other,) fetishes in future articles!  ;)

A+A Disability, Orthopedic Shop, and Hangout:

  For a world where everyone can find something to enjoy, once again, those with disabilities, just like in RL, are highly under represented. One stunning example of a place I cannot believe isn’t more heavily trafficked is Park Art at Frantastica. Park Art is a location for those suffering from Parkinson’s to share their art. Before visiting Frantastica, I never realized that one of the facets of Parkinson’s, a painful and debilitating movement disorder, included a strong creative, and artistic drive.  This is often exacerbated by their medications.

Slurl for Park Art at Frantastica:

  One example of a location I wish had more little green dots when I hover over the mini-map? Virtual Ability, one of the most detailed, and resource heavy disability locations in SL. They feature classes to help disabled newbies learn the ins and outs of Second Life, and host a “garden” where you can find large amounts of art inspired by all types of disabilities. I’ve been there a handful of times, and am always the only one there.

Virtual Ability:

  After much hunting and searching I came across a place called The Haven, a club for the disabled, and home to the Crip Chicks Club, a club for wheelchair bound/disabled women. Both the main dance floor, and the CCC were deserted. As was Taupo Aquatic Center, and Club Access Elite, an aquatic sports center for the disabled. After taking a quick, easy, therapeutic dip, I gave up my search for the day, disappointed to be the only soul present at all these places with such great potential.

The Haven:

  For such a large community, we sure do seem to be overlooked so easily. That being said, I obviously have not explored ALL the options out there, because not every one is easy to find via the usual search term buzz words. If I’m wrong, and some of you know of places that are bouncing and wiggling, (because we won’t be jumping, and running…) please IM me to let me know all about your disabled hangout!

Taupo Aquatic Center and Club Access Elite:

 For now, though, I’m simply grateful that places like Second Life exist at all, because I couldn’t just pack it on up, and go to the beach in RL without it causing me massive pain, let alone climb up the mountains, surf, ride the horses, carnival rides, and many, many more activities I’ve missed in RL and can now happily do again in SL.  

1 comment:

  1. Good post, did yout try joining any of the groups for the places you mentioned or a subscriber? Most places in SL are not open 24/7 and joining the groups will give you info to see how active they are or not. Just a thought


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