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Friday, July 31, 2015

The Lexi Project - July 26th, 2015 through till August 9th, 2015

Photograph Credits: The Lexi Project

It’s amazing how strangers come together as a community and help one family. Charities like Relay For Life of Second Life fundraising for Cancer, Feed a Smile fundraising for the children in Kenya or Join Hands fundraised for Nepal victims among others. The community of virtual worlds have always held each other’s hands to help the needy.

The Lexi Project is a shopping event fundraising for Lexi Zelin, a Second Life Resident. Other residents have not only come forward to donate items for sale, but few have also offered to donate their services like Djs, live singers and other performers are raising fund to help the cause. This doesn’t end here, Sim Designer, Serra Bellic has put a donation kiosk at her new designed sim, The Fly Project, accepting tips that would be donated straight to Lexi. Anyone can join the AngelRed Group to receive a donation kiosk. Lexi is also accepting personal donations to her main account. However, one may donate to TheLexiProject Resident.

Photography Credits: The Lexi Project

The Lexi Project has come to life with the efforts of Toxxic Rihannyr and Lexi Zelin, along with 360 other designers who have stepped up to help Lexi in any way possible. The event began on 26th July, 2015 and will go through till August 9th, 2015. On the first day of the event itself, the total donations raised was 1,063,592L$. Today, this event is on the Destination Guide. . On the second day the total donations added up to 1,424,024L$, which is roughly $5806.07 USD. More designers are welcome to join in the parade by filling the designer sign up form mentioned at the bottom of the article.
Lexi Zelin (Heather Crawford), is 28 years old with a 6 year old daughter, was recently detected of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma at Stage 3 (Cancer) on June 30th, 2015, after she underwent a surgery on June 23rd. In Second Life, she had been running a successful clothing store for the last 5 years, AngelRED Couture with 7500 return customers. She entered Gofundme on July 17th, 2015. About 38 people donated at Gofundme and raised $2870USD in 5 days before The Lexi Project started. She would be needing a total of $12000USD to fund her treatment.

Photography Credits: Gofundme

It is an amazing step put forward by so many people to help Lexi and her daughter, Astrid. Everyone is doing the little they can to help her. Such inspirations and community involvement somehow wipes the harsh reality of life. Sometimes, knowing such real life stories that make a difference brings a tear of pride. Such efforts are an example of what we can achieve together not only in virtual life but also in real life. 

Photography Credits: Gofundme

Other links:
AngelRed Group to grab a donation kiosk https://app/group/11ca852f-2e3b-3b7d-a227-f01bd321fd7a/about

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