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Monday, July 20, 2015

Mackenzie's Mumblings: Have I Forgotton How To Have Fun? - Mackenzie Abbot Reporting

So, three years and a bit on Second Life and I’ve settled into a routine.  

When I first joined SL, I had no idea what I was doing or, indeed, what I was going to do.  Eventually I found my way and, like most single blokes, decided to explore the sex side first.  I drifted my way around various places, most of which were too full on for my virgin capabilities.  But, somehow, I found a nice little strip club and became friends with the dancers and staff, as well as the various patrons.  Soon, I was doing the horizontal pixel salsa with some of them.  Soon enough, I found DJing and began a whole new career, in a different circle of people, with different outlooks on life.  As my fan group expanded, I came across a BDSM club and began DJing and shagging my way around the staff and VIPs as before.  Eventually I found someone who was, I thought, just right for me and we started dating, eventually partnered and I settled down, away from temptation and all that came with it.

And that, gentle reader, is where I think it all started.

The freebird came home to roost and had his wings clipped.  DJing became a chore rather than pleasure and I ended up selling advertising for the fine publication you are now reading.  I stopped going to clubs and quickly became a frail beige creature with no immediate circle of friends and no inclination to do anything other than check to see which advertisers are due to renew and work out what needs doing at the SLE.  This is my own choice and I enjoy what I do, but it grinds a bit, you know? I became a little disillusioned with SL and quickly found out that I had aged well before my time.  I would rather sit and chat in a skybox somewhere or play table games than go to a club and throw shapes, either solo or with someone.

Mack and Alison, the SLE Ad Assistant.  (She wants me bad)
Photo: Mackenzie Abbot

I have strayed, I will throw my hands up to that.  I cheated twice and ended up having a child with a hostess at a club I used to work at.  It wasn’t something I was proud of but it was the danger, the thrill of maybe getting caught.  However, I never fully appreciated that if my partner ever found out, it would upset her immensely, and it did.  So I have kept away from temptation and buried myself in my work.

In other words, I’ve become boring.

Gone are the days when I could just head off to a club or a sim and just do my own (non-sexual) thing and just be Mack.  The Mackenzie Abbot of old is still in there somewhere, buried under a few layers of elasticated waisted nylon.  So how do I get out of the “drip dry shirt” situation I’m in now and start becoming more “ready to wear”?  I’ve no idea, but you can see my current frame of mind.  I’m comparing myself to shirts, for crying out loud!
Mack has got to the stage of being like an old sheepdog.  The eyes and bowels aren’t what they used to be; he’s maybe a bit whiffy.  A faithful old friend.  Yet, despite all that, you couldn’t shoot him in the face; you just couldn’t.  You just watch him plodding around and getting on with life.  You feel like you should do something yet you can’t.

Billy No Mates
Photo: Mackenzie Abbot

Maybe I just need to take time out and rediscover what it means to be Mackenzie Abbot again.  Obviously, there couldn’t be sex involved as that’s a big no-no.  But that doesn’t mean I can’t maybe just take myself off to a club or venue and take it all in.  I don’t have to have company all the time; alone time is good too.  Although, sometimes it’s nice to share your down time with someone.  Seeing as, at time of writing, my partner works nights and sleeps during the day, it’s almost never her; so I have to see if my friends have some downtime that they are willing to share with me.  If they do, great!  If not, I’m scuppered and the usual course of action is to log off and do something else, like watch porn.  Trust me, porn solves everything!  Fap Fap! Hooray!  (Sorry!)

The author, having finally lost his mind

So, before I too have to go and work for the man (job starts in 8 days at time of writing), I’ve decided to try and reignite my interest in SL by trying things I hadn’t done before.  Something that might work really well, or fall flat on its face.

But that, dear reader, is for another day.

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