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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Avie Poll: Words of Wisdom from SL Residents: Advice for a fulfilling Second Life.-CeciliaRosalie Reporting...

Second life is meant to be an extension of RL without the boundaries of the first one. It’s a place to have fun and enjoy every moment. For some it can even be a way to escape from RL’s difficulties.Same as in RL sometimes things tend to be more frustrating. We asked 6 individuals about their very personal piece of advice to enjoy a fulfilling Second life. Here’s what they said:
What’s is your advice to other residents so they can enjoy the very best of SL?

wolfen Bestijl: SL is Like an impromptu play to fulfill your SL fantasy, make sure you are writing your own script don't let someone else write it for you.

Pax Voix MçEиtiяє (Pax Voix): Do everything once. If you like it do it again! (Hehehehe)

Felicia Helendale:
I have had the pleasure of being a member of Second Life now for over a decade. My first avatar was created back in 2004. I have since dabbled my hands in many different aspects that this world has to offer from exploring to role-playing to eventually becoming a designer. Along the way, I have met some wonderful people, and others who turned out to not be as wonderful as they first seemed to be. I have experienced joy, friendship, heartbreak and more, and all of them very real emotions no matter what role I was in at the time.
The fact is, no one can define what Second Life means to you. For some, it may be the only social interaction they have, for any number of reasons from social anxiety to agoraphobia, etc. For them, the relationships and interactions they experience here can be more powerful, and this world is an extension of their own. Then there are others, like myself, who Second Life is a source of inspiration or creation, and another form of social connection. From creating intricate character stories and interactions, to designing a new outfit or accessory, and Second Life allows us the freedom to pick and choose how we want to experience it.
So my advice to anyone who is looking for a more fulfilling Second Life, be true to yourself because, while we all may be pixels on a screen to one another, there is still a live human being on the other end controlling those pixels. Never pretend to be something you’re not, strive to treat other as you wish to be treated, and just own who you are. If you are a shy, quiet and reserved individual who thrives more socially behind the anonymity of the computer, so be it. If you are a role-player, out to find the next great character story, go for it. If you are a designer looking to broaden their creative minds to create something amazing, do it. Just leave the drama, games and deceptions out of it.

You'll find you'll make a lot more friends, and enjoy yourself a lot more, and you can turn off the machine at the end of the night and be able to say, "Wow, I have a great Second Life."

 ДиĜěickWăίίz ДЯıεƨ Hυηт (Jae Somerset): "Don't let the people who aren't worth it get to you. Focus on those who love and accept you for who you are, and shower them with the love and kindness they deserve."

Anonymous: "Remember that behind every avatar is a human being that might have different expectations from SL than you have. Thus be honest about your expectations and way to play. And first and foremost:( don't be a jerk.) NEEDS TO BE REPHRASED."

Tapika Tomsen: Fill your SL life with friends who have faults you can live with, everyone has their great points, and those are easy to love, but someone who will stay your constant friend is someone who's worse points you can embrace. We all need that kind of acceptance in our lives.

All of these SL residents have something in common. Being yourself and accepting others as they are will lead to a fulfilling Second Life. In a virtual world where you control your own happiness, make decisions to shape how your virtual world will be and create the life you want to lead; It is a good idea to embrace everything that Second Life has to offer and open your mind to new and exciting adventures.

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