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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

What SL Means to Me - Lacy Muircastle reporting ...

On 16th June, Xiola Linden and Torley Linden  posted Youtube videos where they discuss what Second Life means to them.  I am aware that several other notable SL residents have been approached for their take on what SL means to them and they too have responded with video contributions.

Watching these videos got me thinking about what Second Life means to me.  No, I don't think I am a notable resident and no I wasn't asked to participate in this project, but I am going to make my contribution just because I can, but not using video, that is beyond the scope of my capabilities.

Second Life has given me the courage to be more than I was.  To explore a side of me that otherwise might never have materialised.  Does that sound daft?  So what am I on about?  This very act of writing is what I am on about.

Writing was something I wanted to do but had no idea how to get started, I dabbled with one or two ideas and then literally filed them away.  I happened upon SL one day and after finding my feet I discovered that there were publications that actually paid people to write articles on everything to do with Second Life.  Lanai Jarrico of the SL Enquirer, afforded me the opportunity to give this writing lark a bash and I will be forever grateful to her for doing so.

Second Life has become my muse, and in due course I will be publishing the fruits born of my inspiration garnered from my SL journey.

Second Life means to me, the opportunity to explore  my creativity and to push out personal boundaries, with the encouragement and support of friends from around the world I would otherwise never have met.

Second Life has allowed me to be a dreamer, to set me free and to just believe in my dreams ....

What SL Means to Me :  Playlist put together by Strawberry Singh

Strawberry Singh

Xiola Linden

Torley Linden

Huckleberry Hax

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