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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Spotlight on DJ Sofie Knoller-Exonar (sofie.knoller) – CeciliaRosalie Reporting..

Sofie Knoller – Exonar first joined SL in 2007 by chance while she was researching for alternative networking methods. Since then she has tried different career moves as she is very energetic and full of innovative ideas. She has been a successful model in the past, however, as she states being a DJ was always her ambition. She has a wide range of genre including Arabic and Egyptian tunes. Let’s see what Sofie has to share with us.

Interview with Sofie Knoller Exonar
Cecilia: Hello Sofie thank you for your time. Let’s start by answering a few questions about yourself so we know who you are.
SOFIE: You are very welcome! I am doing great. I hope you do too!
Cecilia: When did you first join Second Life?
SOFIE: I started SL late 2007. I stumbled upon it while doing some research on online networking methods.

Cecilia: What careers did you follow before you discovered your passion for music?
SOFIE: I was a hostess and then I did some modeling at Calamity haute and Arai agencies.

Cecilia: That is Great! When did you started feeling that is time for a change and why did you pick a DJ career?
SOFIE: I started DJing early 2008 at an Arabic venue that no longer is around. It was quite an accomplishment for me. It opened a whole new world of opportunities. I always admired DJs and their work and to be one has been a dream come true! I didn't really replace modeling with DJing I do all sorts of things on SL as much as my time allows. In fact I recently joined MVW modeling academy to brush up on my skills and increase my opportunities and I'm still a model for Solo Evane agency.
I first started to DJ to provide Arabic entertainment mainly in a world where the Arab culture hardly existed and I wanted to introduce it to Second life in the form of music but it has opened a whole new world for me introduced me to new music from all over the world.  Can't deny it also provides nicely for my shopping addiction :)
Cecilia: When was your first time DJING? How did you felt at that moment tell us about your experience at that time.
SOFIE: I was too excited and nervous at the same time! but after a few songs I totally got in the mood and got really calm and started to really have fun.

Cecilia: Sofie, how would you describe yourself?
SOFIE: I'm a very dedicated person who strives to perfect anything I do and this applies to all my jobs including Djing I'm also a very friendly and outgoing person and I get along easily with people.
Cecilia:  What do you think it takes to be a good DJ?
SOFIE: I think DJs need a good ear and a sense of rhythm also a DJ needs to be very perceptive to what his audience like and I find a good memory an essential perk to a DJ who has regulars. Being a good performer with good audience rapport is definitely a bonus :)
Cecilia: Do you have wide range of genres and what do you prefer most, mixed sets or each set to be represented by one specific genre?
SOFIE: Yes, I have a wide range of genres that I play, ranging from Techno and Trance to Jazz and romantic ballads!  I love being international with my sets and I play songs in several different languages.
I usually use mixed sets to accommodate all kinds of listeners but it really depends on the venue where I'm playing and the general attitude of the audience

Cecilia: Tell our readers where you DJ at the moment so they can come enjoy your sets.
SOFIE: I currently play weekly sets at Habibi Arabic club also at Frank's Elite jazz and BPM club.
Cecilia: How can club owners contact and book you if they are interested? Do you have a manager who makes the arrangements or you are by yourself?
SOFIE: No, they can just drop a note card to Sofie Knoller. I usually answer in less than 24 hrs.

Cecilia: Is there anything else you would like to share with SLE readers?
SOFIE: “Music is the universal language of mankind” I absolutely believe in this and it's very prominent especially here on SL where all boundaries have been crossed and borders don't exist.

Additional Information
Group: secondlife:///app/group/3a82803c-2947-df2f-7bd1-37beda9fe1dd/about

Contact:  Sofie Knoller for bookings

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