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Friday, June 26, 2015

A Tour of Second Norway- Sunny Love Holiday Reporting

I enjoy keeping up with the activities of the people and places I do articles on. I truly believe in who and what I write about, and love to see their success. Recently Luciano Liónheart, formally known as Luciano de Prata , informed me that his popular  Luciano Jazz Club & Lounge moved to a new sim named Second Norway. I have heard a lot about this sim, and asked Mr. Liónheart if he would like to meet up and chat a bit about his move and the sim he now resides in. To my delight he was eager to meet, and invited me to his lovely home for tea.

After catching up on some personal things, Luciano explained how much he loved his new beginnings and talked about some of the gems around the 40 sims that makes up Second Norway. “Second Norway is owned by Ey Ren and Mialinn Telling. Gracefully, they have trusted me with most of this sim (the mainland) and a lot of other gems around SN.” Mr. Liónheart, proudly explained.  “Along with my Jazz club, I took over and remodeled the local hotel, Hotel Bryggen along with Bella Bistro, which is SL's oldest restaurant.” 

Of course, I was excited to hear of Mr. Liónheart growing success, but my excitement reached new heights when he offered me a personal tour of the sims. “Sunny, I would actually recommend that you try to stay here as a guest. Our staff is really what makes this amazing!” Needless to say I happily accepted his offer. I was contacted by the Manager of VSN Travel, Kristina Taov, shortly after leaving Luciano’s home and directed to meet her at the Brook Hill Airport for my flight into the Second Norway Airport, the largest one in SL, formed by 8 sims. It is also equipped with a subway/train infrastructure so all the regions in Second Norway can stay interconnected and accessible by train. Despite my fear of heights and planes, I couldn’t wait to get this tour started!

My Fears were quickly put to rest as Kristina guided the luxury aircraft across the clear skies, assuring me all will be fine. Flying was actually perfect because I had a clear view of the sims, and all the wonders it entails. Once we landed, we immediately jumped in a private motorcar and drove to the mainland. I was pleasantly impressed with the landscaping and ocean view. I imaged it looked just as it would in RL Norway.

Our 1st stop was at Hotel Bryggen. The hotel looked like a perfect get away for families and couples alike. “Here tour guests can stay for a weekend, close enough to all the places with weekend activities, such as Bella Bistro Restaurant, Luciano’s Club & Lounge, the Art Galleries, Shopping Mall and Marina.” Kristina explained. “All are accessible from this point. It is possible to sail, ride bicycles or take the train.” We entered the hotel and I must say I instantly started planning in my head when I would have time to return with my group of friends for a weekend of fun.  I fell in love the rustic looking suites they have. It totally made me feel like I was in the RL rustic Norway atmosphere.

Next, we climbed aboard a large sail boat and traveled across the Sailing Sims, passing all the previously mentions activity spots.  I noticed a seafront retreat that I believe would be perfect for lovers to enjoy each other.  Our boat ride ended at Boatel, a hotel for lovers by the water. “A boat is guested during guests stay here so they can sail around all the connected regions. Also there is a small airstrip on top of the mountain if they want to fly as well.” Kristina told me with a bright smile on her face.  Lovers that stay here are truly pampered with all the amenities offered.

Once our boat ride was over, we took a bicycle ride to the top of a mountain. Kristina handed me a glass of champagne and asked me to join her on a hot air balloon ride.  Firecrackers popped off as we enjoyed the cool breeze and spectacular view of all of the sims. I couldn’t believe how well put together the Second Norway sims were put together. Every event, activity, hotels, and venue was so easily accessible with many ways of travel. The balloon ride ended in front of The Bella Bistro Restaurant. I quickly entered to enjoy a hot cup of coffee before I left.

While enjoying my coffee, I asked Kristina what were her thoughts of second life Norway. “This is a place where all your dreams can come true!” she beamed. I couldn’t agree more. There is so much to do, see and enjoy that it is impossible not to have a fun filled vacation. More than one trip would be needed to enjoy all they have to offer, without doing the same thing twice. This is a sim I highly recommend and will return to shortly myself. I could use a vacation and there is nowhere else I would rather be!   

Facebook Link: Second Norway:

Client Preferred Contact:

Luciano Lionheart (GM)
Kara Gelbert (Hotel Manager)
Kristina Taov or Jose Squeegee (VSN Travel Agents)

Meileenprincess Resident (Bistro Manager)

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