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Friday, May 22, 2015

Time to release your inner hero with VWE - Lacy Muircstle reporting ...

In the real world wrestling is hugely popular, John Cena seemingly being the one to follow.  Cena, 37, has been the WWE's most reliable hero for the past 10 years.

After cleaning toilets and sleeping in his car while working at Gold's Gym near Southern California's Muscle Beach, Cena got his big break working at the gym's nutrition counter -- a sort of Schwab's drugstore with muscles. "They had a locker room and showers," Cena recalls, "so I'd get four or five hours of sleep in the big back seat of my 1991 Lincoln Continental, then wake up and go to work."

His first wrestling name was The Prototype, but as WWE moved away from colorful monikers like Brutus Beefcake and "Ravishing" Rick Rude, he was instructed to go back to his real name. "Now I don't have to tell people I'm one thing on television and another thing in real life," Cena says. "It's led to my authenticity in the ring, I believe."

Authenticity! Yes! That is what the modern wrestling fan apparently seeks. "As the show grows bigger, and is seen by a more global audience," Cena says, "you have to develop new ways of relaying that authenticity."

And so we introduce to you the VWE – Virtual Wrestling Entertainment. If you have ever thought about being a wrestling hero, now you can be in Second Life.

Lyra Phoenix, who is responsible for promoting VWE in SL commented “It's a very interesting and fun sport to do. Anyone who has an interest in performing or just loves wrestling can easily apply to become anything they want. Wrestler, Manager, Valet, Commentator are just some of the positions that we have but anyone can make it in the VWE with talent and interest.”

According to Lyra, the VWE is the pinnacle of Professional Wrestling and Sports Entertainment in SL. She said “There are plenty of other groups but the VWE takes the cake when it comes to story and putting on a phenomenal show. Making it big in the VWE means you have climbed a ladder so great, that your peers will envy you, as night in and night out the VWE brings the very best in our talents all around.”

Stuart Warf, the current Vice President of the VWE in Second Life said  “I'm passionate about VWE and Second Life wrestling in general because it has been a way to evolve a dream I had when I was a child, where I wanted to be involved in wrestling and being able to create something entertaining. Seeing what a lot of the wrestlers are able to achieve within the constraints of SL in general is an awesome thing to just see, and I'd recommend anyone who's even slightly interested in just seeing this sort of performance in SL to check it out.”  

So let your hero come to the fore.  Go and have a look at The VWE.  They are looking for venues to add to their roadshow this year, and they are always looking for new talent  The management team will train you to be the best you can be.

All events take place at the Metropolis Square Garden at Phoenix Pass.

On May 22nd VWE features the King of the Arena Super Show at 5PM SLT!

The VWE does a Roadshow, meaning they go to other sims, and it is an experience not to miss.  Their normal shows are Primetime on Wednesdays at 5PM SLT and EDGE on Fridays at 6PM SLT

You can follow them on their facebook, youtube channel, or their website:

VWE: Always Evolve

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for doing a Spotlight on the VWE. I myself am one of it's "superstars" on its current roster along with many more GREAT talents. If anyone has any questions, then I'd be more than happy to answer any ...


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