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Monday, May 25, 2015

The SLE Buzz: Meet The Night Theater’ Aelva


Aelva is from Sweden and came into Second life on a recommendation from a friend in January of 2011. At the time she was feeling slightly isolated in another country and far from her friends and family.  Aelva is back home in Sweden and sees Second Life as both a social and creative outlet.  Still isolated in some aspects of her life, today her passion is events, fairs and managing The Night Theater where she is able to express herself and create spectacular shows.

SLE: How did you discover Second Life and what was your
first reaction?

Aelva: Second Life was recommended by a friend and I started shopping within the first couple of days, marveling at the creations the other “players” in here had made. All the different little worlds and within a couple of months, I discovered the live music scene and then stumbled upon that years Fantasy Faire. The creativity and imagination that was set loose and brought to pixel life was a real eye opener for me. I saw the potential of this world and once I found the dance community I was hooked. I would have been bored within a few weeks if there would only have been the social scene to participate in.

SLE: How would you describe your personal style in three words?

Aelva: Everchanging, imaginative & moodbound

SLE: What are three special things you wished everyone in SL knew about you and The Night Theater?

Aelva: Well. The Night Theater and the dance shows I get to create for is my big passion in here and I wish more people knew what a great source of creativity and entertainment the SL dance community is. There is something for everybody to find here.  Also, it is a great scene for finding new technology and also creators of that technology to bring SLs development further. The many talented performers in this genre always try to break the boundaries of this pixel world to make grander performances to life. Lastly, I have to mention the live music and the art scenes in here. There is such a vast community of creative, talented individuals in here and I think this medium is excellent for bringing great minds together.  Once those minds connect, the world becomes a richer place in the end. That is when change and progress happens.

SLE: Can you tell SLE what inspired your involvement in the SL community?

Aelva: I have always had a need to create. I'm always working on something and I always have several things brewing at the same time. When I discovered the dance community here, my mind started making little pixel puppet performances in my head every time I heard a song. So I simply just had to get them out of there and into pixels.

SLE: What are your thoughts on the SL culture? What would you change to improve the quality of your experience?

Aelva: I think in SL, you will find what you are looking for. No matter what that is. If art, music and dance is what you seek, then there is an abundance. You just need to choose those places to visit. I do recommend reading profiles and visiting Fairs and big events to discover new sims and creators. Also, the viewer picks are a good start when it comes to exploring.

SLE: What have you learned about yourself in SL?

Aelva: That we choose our limits and our limitlessness. In a world where we can be whatever we want to be, take on any form, grow wings, then why not fly?
I also find it an interesting insight into who people really are. Why they choose to portray
themselves as they do in here, when the choices are limitless.

SLE: What is your most memorable moment?

Aelva: That is very hard to pinpoint. Every show I put on brings a new experience, it is great to see your visions come to life and to get to share the experience with your friends is even greater. Being part of the Fantasy Faire this year with The Night Theater was a grand thing, I have been a fan of that Faire for years now, it’s been like my 2nd Christmas. I am still in awe that we got to do that. Then I have all the times I had the live music shows in my early SL days, when I ran a venue. I made some great friends back then and we had some great times. I still have friends from back then that I count as my closest, RL and SL.
I remember one show we had with PJ party as a theme. That was a lot of giggles or when the dragons came to see the shows in the little TreeCozy. They would land in a clearing outside and look in at the show thru the windows. My sister Camme Carvers voice is still one of my favorite things to hear, when she sings “my songs” there is just that connection.

 Same thing with Jordan Reyne, it is a grand example of how RLandSL intertwine.
 just listen to this song that she wrote and the support she received from the SL community 


SLE: What are your favorite places to visit in SL for entertainment?

Aelva: The Lady Garden Cabaret:

Shadows Sillouettes:
Elysium Cabaret:


For staying update on dance events, these 2 groups are good to join too:
::Burlesque Network:: Dance Queens

Like taking pics and exploring in SL? Join the Photo hunt too, notices sent for hunt times in this group: Virtual Artist Alliance

SLE:  What do you like to do when you are not creating shows?
Aelva: I love Events and Fairs. I find them a great source of inspiration and a great way to find new creators. I also like to shop. I visit Collabor88, Fameshes, The Liason Collaborative, Kustom9, Uber, Genre and We <3 RP, Chapter 4, Shiny Shabby, N21, A tattered Page & The Season Story to name a few. And I love gatchas like The Arcade, TagGacha,The Secret Affaire, The Fantasy Gatcha Carnival. Many of my favorite creators just happen to participate in these events too;)

Additional Information:

Are you curious about dancing?

Preferred contact: Aelva (IM)

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