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Friday, May 8, 2015

Spotlight on Friendship Harbor Estates- A Beautiful Coastal Role Play Community to Call Home

Located on the coasts of Adore is a place called Friendship Harbor Estates. It is a cozy oceanfront community with a friendly feel. Owned and operated by Nikki Miami (nikki.tryce) and Braxton Miami it is currently home to 7 families with room for plenty more.  If you are house hunting or looking to relocate, there are apartment, townhouses and boat houses available.
 Created with love and care Friendship Harbor Estates is not just another community on the grid. It is much more than that. Nikki and Braxton’s vision was to make it a home for residents with growing families. Activities include lots of family fun with a pool, a skating rink, park, Movie Theater and a small beach. The SLE caught up with Nikki to learn more about what makes Friendship Harbor Estates a unique community.

Interview with Nikki Miami

SLE: Ever great idea starts with a little inspiration. What inspired you to create Friendship Harbor Estates?

Nikki: I grew up on the coast of Maine with beautiful ocean views, so I wanted to recreate such a beautiful place in second life.

SLE: What makes this community unique compared to other communities in Second Life?
Nikki: At Friendship Harbor, you are more than a tenant to us, you are our friends, our neighbors, and will feel like part of our family. We truly care for one another.

SLE: Having something to do in a community setting is very important. What type of activities do you offer residents and their families?
Nikki: We have two beautiful parks, a roller skating rink, Movie Theater, public swimming pool, a public beach, and restaurants.

SLE: Do you have property for rent? If so, who should visitors contact for a tour and information on renting?
Nikki: Yes we have a great variety of family homes, as well as apartments and beach front homes. If interested please contact Braxton Miami, Chesneyhaven, or me for information or a tour anytime.

SLE:  Family RP and child avatars are welcome in this community. How do you ensure it is a safe environment for them?
Nikki: We have managers that monitor the sims when we are not available so someone is here to keep an eye on visitors almost all the time. When someone new appears on the sim, we are very quick to approach them and ensure they are respectful while visiting.

SLE: Jobs are important in SL for those who would like to maintain a certain lifestyle, as well as role play a provider for their family. Do you have community jobs available to residents of Friendship Harbor Resort?
Nikki: We have many role play positions and although we do not pay for people to play the positions, we do allow a fee to be charged for services such as our medical center offers the opportunity for role playing a Doctor and charging for services.

SLE: Is there any other information you would like to share with our readers?
Nikki: Yes, if you’re looking for a peaceful, beautiful role play community, to enjoy your second life, we hope you will consider Friendship Harbor Estates, it’s such a beautiful place to live your Second life.

Additional Information

Group:Friendship Harbor Estates
Preferred Contact: IM Nikki Tryce or Braxton Miami for more information.

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