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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Pictures of SLE & Lanai Jarrico’s 10TH Anniversary SLebrity Yacht Party are here!

Thank you to all who made an appearance at this very special milestone event. I was very touched to see all the love and support and be surrounded by my dearest friends.

 Here are some fantastic pictures of SLE's 10th Anniversary SLebrity Yacht Party on May 9, 2015. Courtesy of Maximillian Merlin. Check them out here:
- Lanai

Lanai's 10TH YEAR Speech
Wow what a Party!  Hi friend Welcome to SLE’s 10th Anniversary and my rezzday SLebrity Yacht Party! You all look truly amazing  ad I hope you are all having a fabulous time
I promise to keep my speech within a reasonable amount of time so those ridiculously hot Chippendale’s down below don’t start to feel lonely without me …*unravels my speech*
Where do I start summing up the past decade in Second Life? I know it is pretty shameless right?  I guess I’ll start from day one when I arrived looking like a pastey noob doing a penguin walk, homeless, shoeless and friendless on the grid trying to figure out my dashboard. After that hurdle that I’m sure you all can relate, I got it all figured out. That is when SLE’s roots began to grow…like a relentless weed that haters gave up trying to get rid of and just let it grow out of control.

 I’m not sure if I am still here due to an excessive Second Life addiction, the drama, a genuine love of virtual media or meeting people from all over the world. I guess it is a combination of all those things and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Everything that happens in SL is Inspiration for me to write or come up with ideas.
It has certainly be an extraordinary journey with ups, downs, twists and turns but I have arrived to this point somewhat unscathed with a few greys I can call wisdom.. Looking back, I can say that I have more regrets than I do proud moments being a part of this community we all call our second home. Oh wait, what I meant was…  …… NVM blame it on the alcohol and distractions.

On a serious note, with each year that passes I have collected a lot of memories, snapshots ,had  fun and somewhat crazy adventures. I have met so many amazing people that I can call friends and that right there is the most valuable thing to me.
We all come here for a reason; Creativity, Socializing, Business, Companionship, Adventure and even perhaps disabilities or limitations that prevent us from doing things or trying something new in the real world.

 I’m sure in your time in Second Life, you learned something new about yourself or experienced something that was just so great you couldn’t wait to log back in again and again.

This is truly a unique place and everyone one of you is a star in this virtual world. Each of us has a reason for being here.

 What we do contributes to the Second Life community and it affects the people we come in contact with.  We may never truly know the person right next to us or even someone we speak to on a regular basis but I know one thing is for certain, we are all human. We have feelings and we should always keep that in mind when we socialize here. Not everyone is going to see eye to eye or have the same likes. That’s a good thing. If it wasn’t for our differences there wouldn’t be motivation to learn from each other.

 It is uniquely our world that we have created for ourselves and share with the people around us. Today is a true testament of the possibilities. I don’t know where the future of Second Life will take us but I am hopefully that we never lose this sense of community and fun.
 I promise to continue to serve this community as long as I am able by sharing The SL Enquirer with anyone who reads it or is a part of it in some way.

OK this is getting sappy and those Chippendales are looking restless so I will wrap this ramble up by saying thank you to Team SLE for believing in me and The SL Enquirer. It is you who truly make my vision come to life with your writing contribution and behind the scenes help.  Milae & Mackezie Abbot, thank you so much for these lovely dresses you designed. I couldn’t decide so I had to wear both! And lastly, I’d like to thank  M.Y. Studio Productions, The Night Theater, Chippendales of SL, our sponsors and all of you for being here and celebrating this very special day with me.

Cheers to more years of SLE and to you all.  Enjoy the rest of the evening.

Event information:

May 9th 2015 Boarding 1pm SLT

You are cordially invited to SLE’s & Lanai Jarrico’s 10th Anniversary SLebrity Yacht Party aboard SLE’s exclusive luxury liner for an evening of mix and mingling with SL’s Elite.   Featuring entertainment by Live performer Anek Fuchs, music sets by DJ Zephyr & DJ Mack and a very special performance by The Night Theater.

 Arrive in SLebrity style on the red carpet in your best formal wear. (black, red or white) Champagne will be flowing, energy will be plentiful and there will be some exclusive raffle prizes provided by our sponsors. Don’t forget to smile because paparazzi will be snapping pictures!

Excursion Itinerary
1:00-2:00pm : Anek Fuchs
2:00-3:00: DJ Zephyr/ Special 
3:00-3:45: The Night Theater
3:45-4:45 : DJ Mack 
4:30: Raffle
* Special appearance by  Chippendales Tribute of SL
Brought to you by The SL Enquirer / M.Y. Studio Productions/ The Night Theater

Seychelles Isle- Sailing Community
Skew Creations- Fashion (Lanai's custom dresses)
Broken Butterfly Business- Marine & Aviation Fit* Finish* Outfitters
White Room Couture
Cherry on Top-  SLE's Custom Cakes
Chippendales- Original Tribute in SL
St. Tropaz- Overwater Solutions
Chippendales Tribute of SL
Oahu Vacations Resort

Boarding on May 9th at 1pm SLT: *Arrive early to avoid full capacity


  1. Happy Anniversary, Lanai! I hope I can make an appearance.

    -Allen E.-

  2. Thank you Allen. It would be great to see you there!


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