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Sunday, May 31, 2015

Creating Awareness About the Nepal Earthquake- Debby Sharma

Photograph Credits Wildstar Beaumont

Imagine a day, when all you have worked for a family, a home comes down to rumble within few seconds or minutes. Imagine a day when all your hard work is lost and you are down to penniless. Imagine a day when you have to live on without your loved one by your side. A 7.8 and a 7.1 magnitude earthquake on Richter’s scale had struck Nepal hardly a month back. Helping hands from many countries and governments were lent. Still a lot of help is needed for the people of Nepal with frequent aftershocks.

A few days back, there was a new charity event, called Join Hands Fashion for Food from 13th to 16th May, 2015 held in Second Life. The sole motive was to create awareness among the general mass to contribute and donate something for the victims of the major earthquake. An event created by Ruby Ornamental and Valsnia with help of many renowned designers, bloggers, builders and clubs to raise a few lindens for those victims.

Photograph Credits Wildstar Beaumont

The event, Join Hands Fashion for Food paired up with World Food Programme. The earthquake struck Nepal on 25th April and 12th May leaving over one million people hungry. The objective of WFP is to deliver food and other immediate relief to the survivors of the hardest hit areas and the areas where it is tough to reach. It also aims to provide logistics to the area for further humanitarian work. There is still a shortage of funds of $150 million USD to provide food for 1.7 million people for just 3 months.

Photograph Credits Wildstar Beaumont

The event in Second Life had fund raised L$ 324, 690 which is almost $1521.74 USD. Although, the event is over, this article is just a follow up to this event, urging the dear readers to make a small contribution and not to forget the fellow human beings who have to re-build their daily lives all over again.

Photograph Credits Wildstar Beaumont

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