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Monday, April 27, 2015

There is a Saying that April Showers bring May Flowers…but do they also bring Women’s Spring Fashion?- Rere Sandalwood Reporting…

There are three creators out there that would shout an enthusiastic “yes!” to this question.  These creators are Insatia Jharls, who is the creator behind ISBJ; B Y T E (bytedreams.slade), the creator behind Second Nature and Şε αd Ѡit Iէ αţεŁŁ (toomuch4u2, creator of Queen Designs.

 All three are one of many creators that have their fingers on the pulse of spring fashion.  Insatia Jharls, for instance, specializes in the creation of skins, makeup and much more since 2009.  When asked about current SL Spring makeup trends, she explained: “Current spring makeup trends in SL are displaying brightened pastel colors along with a light airy look…just the right amount of a cotton candy pink or light purple lipstick and just barely there eyeshadow.”

Jharls also says that the trends in SL reflect RL makeup trends too.  She explains, “More women in RL are expressing themselves this spring with bright colored hair, along with bright lipstick and eyeshadow colors…and yes, these trends are reflecting a hint of RL trends, too…”

In keeping with the current Spring-related trends, Jharls’ contends that her Jonquel skin line is not only the newest item available at ISBJ, but that it firmly represents the freshest Spring related makeup available.  Jharls explains, “Our Jonquel eyeliners and lipsticks are a great representation of spring [because they have] the right amount of pastel colors for a day out and [include] perfect reds and warm colors for a night out in spring.”

Besides Spring being an aided motivation in the creation of her skin and makeup like, Jharls also creates skins and makeup that are not only high quality, but also specialize in ethnic skin tones. “The market” she explains, “…is lacking and I got inspired to help the women in SL express themselves accurately and flawlessly no matter what their race may be.”

Spring Clothing:  What’s Trending Now?
B Y T E (bytedreams.slade) let the SL Enquirer know that in addition to bright colors, Spring also conveys a sense of renewal.  In keeping with Spring’s sense of renewal, B Y T E recently added what she describes as a “one-piece athletic cut swimsuit that has a tribal flame motif on the front,” to her marketplace page.  As inspiration, B Y T E relies on jelly-bean influenced colors in the creation of her athletic cut swimsuit.  When asked why jellybeans, B Y T E responds, “Now what is more spring than jellybeans and flowers? I also released a 3 piece set and 2 other swimsuits prior to this one…and all these releases come with multi-color huds and appliers. I love giving my customers options J!”

Yet despite giving her customers options, B Y T E refuses to break down what specific trends by category…and perhaps by season.  “I shy away from trends,” she explains.  “Trends” she continues, “mean ‘same or similar to something else’ to me.  So I don’t buy, dress, or design based on anyone else’s prescribed fashion trends.” With this in mind, B Y T E contends that she wants her customers to create their own fashion trends via the purchase of her creations.  She explains, “I want my customers to wear my clothing and create their own trend J!”

As an SL clothing creator, B Y T E specializes in creating clothes for female avatars, and has done so for close to three years.  Based on her experience, she finds that her Horizon dress is her best seller.  She explains, “It started out as just a sexy dress with a flexible skirt/hem for classic avatars; when implants like Lolas and Phatazz came along, I included appliers with this dress and it took off flying!”  When asked what made the Horizon dress unique, B Y T E says, “I think people like this dress because of its combination of transparent and opaque fabric, making for a very sexy dress that reveals and covers at the same time J!”

Thus, in addition to vibrant colors, customers are vying for clothing that is sexually appealing, yet still demure enough to be considered sophisticated and unique.  B Y T E adds, “I would say the 'fatpacks' as huds are the biggest and most important trend right now.  Appliers have become more of a staple item instead of a trend - particularly for non-mesh pieces.”

Şε αd Ѡit Iէ αţεŁŁ (toomuch4u2) Talks Spring Fashion
When asked about SL Spring Fashion trends, Şε αd Ѡit Iէ αţεŁŁ (toomuch4u2), let’s the readers of SL Enquirer know that items that show off those mesh bodies are what is in.  Not only does she echo the vibrant color sentiment mentioned by B Y T E and Insatia Jharls, she adds that additional accessories designed to enhance clothing also echo the renewel spirit of Spring.  She explains, “My newest fashion item in terms of clothes would be peekaboo dresses in vibrant colors…complete with matching clutches accented in diamonds.  The whole look lends itself to an afternoon brunch…that also transitions over into evening wear.  Afterall, Spring represents color color color after a dismal winter!”
Şε αd Ѡit Iէ αţεŁŁ comes from a family of creators, and has been creating fashion since 2012.  She specializes in jewelry, specifically earrings, necklaces, waist chains, bracelets…the whole gamut.  She also creates dresses, and has her hand on the pulse of what is trending now.  She explains, “Dresses with cutouts are very popular and trending now!  A glimpse of midriff or a panel opened in the back for a *wow* effect is hot!” She further contends that SL Clientale can also see these SL fashion trends reflected in RL, and admits that she relies on the RL runways for inspiration.  She explains, “I love fashion monitoring in rl; it’s refreshing to be able to offer the same looks in not just my store, but to see it in others also…”

Şε αd Ѡit Iէ αţεŁŁ adds that her own knack for fashion inspires her SL line, too.  “Honey” she says, “I’m a fashionista in rl….I inspire myself!!! Extravaganza Eleganzaaaa!! Hahaha!!!!”

In contrast to B Y T E, Şε αd Ѡit Iէ αţεŁŁ was willing to break down SL current fashion trends as follows:

·         Shoes.  According to Şε αd Ѡit Iէ αţεŁŁ, the wedge is still holding court!  She explains, “Right now, customers are vying for shoes with daring patterns, as well as stilettos that incorporate accents of gold, silver and diamonds!  They desire to exude wealth, but at a reasonable price…” When asked her reaction to this current shoe trend, Şε αd Ѡit Iէ αţεŁŁ loudly exclaims, “Ring it in baby…ring it in!”

·         Skin and Makeup.   While Insatia Jharls and Şε αd Ѡit Iէ αţεŁŁ both agree that bright colors are what is trending for Spring, Şε αd Ѡit Iէ αţεŁŁ adds, ”A nude lip is still trending, too…as well as bright colors like oranges, magentas, etc.”

·         Jewelry.  Şε αd Ѡit Iէ αţεŁŁ wants all SL Fashionistas to know, that If you want to know what is trending in Spring jewelry, it would be best to take a look at what is trending in Queen Designs first!  “I have based my designs…” she explains, “…on jewelry fashions featured on the popular television series ‘Empire’!  If you watch that show, you will see delicate golds, as well as diamonds are what is hot for Spring.” Nonetheless, Şε αd Ѡit Iէ αţεŁŁ cautions that jewelry should be worn in tasteful moderation.  She adds, “You don’t want to overwhelm your attire with jewelry, because jewelry is meant to accentuate your avatar, not overpower it J!”   To better understand what Şε αd Ѡit Iէ αţεŁŁ means, check out her BooBoo Kitty Line of Jewelry currently being featured at Queen Designs!  She explains, “…the BooBoo Kitty Line of Jewelry is a definite must see, must have! In fact, it will be debuting at the P.H.A.T Fashion Fair that will be happening from April 29 to May 3!”  This, along with the debut of her *Jasmine* Line will be offered at a substantial discount during the P.H.A.T Fashion Fair, so please don’t miss out!

Three Creators Talk Spring Fashion for Mesh Bodies
Many may be pained by the current Mesh Bodies fashion trend, but it is not a trend that is going away anytime soon.  As Insatia Jharls explains, “Mesh bodies are a growing trend that is gaining more followers every day. The fashion related to mesh bodies is also gaining popularity because the clothes are very high quality, vibrant, and ultra-realistic…”
In keeping with the newness of Spring, mesh bodies not only rely on clothing that is bold and vibrant, but that also accentuate the mesh’s shape.  “Fashions…” Explains Jharls, “…are created specifically for a mesh body….it is meant to enhance the look of the mesh shape, [so] the fit is very accurate. In contrast, fashions with mesh materials won't necessarily fit the avatar shape to the best of abilities of fashions created for the mesh body.”

B Y T E adds to this analysis by explaining, “….mesh material is the extra texture layer SL built in, this layer tends to work on objects and clothing, including mesh objects like mesh bodies.  It allows for slightly more 3d-like detail in a textured item, be it clothing, or buildings, or whatever.” As if to echo this sentiment, Şε αd Ѡit Iէ αţεŁŁ contends, “The biggest offering that fashion for mesh bodies has is offering women who choose to have fuller and more beautiful bodies a lot of wonderful choices for fashion.  Like regular mesh clothing, be mindful that [clothes for mesh bodies] are still designed with mesh material….however, they simply offer appliers as well.”

All appliers and mesh bodies aside, this year’s Women SL Spring Fashion Spring introduces boldness, as well as a sense of renewal to customers who seek to embrace the latest fashion trends!  

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