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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

SPOTLIGHT ON VACANCY- Jobs & Recruitment Service in Second Life that Goes Above and Beyond just Displaying Jobs- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Vacancy Jobs & Recruitment Service

Let’s get brutally honest shall we? If you want to maintain a certain lifestyle in Second Life you have two options. You can become a premium member so you can transfer and convert funds to Lindens with the ability to purchase a sim or own a parcel on the grid.  But without Lindens it can be difficult to obtain all the things you need for a fulfilling Second Life. The other option is finding a virtual job because begging for lindens shamelessly at a club or welcome center will get you nowhere fast.
If you are reduced to holding a cup outside a club while looking like a noob, then maybe Second Life isn’t the place for you. There are plenty of jobs available on the grid. You just have to know where to look. Some experience is always a plus in the type of job you want  but it is not necessary if you  can be committed to whatever it is you apply for.

Vacancy is a new job & Recruitment Service that provides employers of Second Life with affordable AD Board rentals as well as additional services to help job seekers become great candidates. Owned and operated by JT Raynier and Jordan Shey, their objective is to treat Vacancy clients like partners and provide a high level of customer service. Each client is viewed as an individual. They believe Vacancy’s success is based on the people they provide a service to.
For 50L per week a business owner can post a help wanted Ad that provides useful information to job seekers. Job Seekers can easily browse the available job Ad quickly and easily. Resumes are an important part of matching employers with the perfect candidates so Vacancy helps build that bridge between the two.
The SL Enquirer went to Vacancy undercover to see what type of customer service was available and was pleasantly surprised that there was an actually person there to answer our questions. Good customer service is rare and to see it at Vacancy leads us to believe in their promise to treat each client with care and respect.

JT Raynier

Interview with JT Raynier
SLE: What inspired you to created Vacancy?  Can you tell our readers more about your objective and services?
JT: The Jobs market in Second Life is getting more and more competitive day by day. With Vacancy, we intend to bring something slightly different to the table. We’re in the process of fitting application drop boxes to as soon as as an applicant has filled out their application for a particular they can drop it back into the board and it goes direct to the advertiser. This cut’s down a lot on having to find the names of people to send the application too and streamlines the application process for both applicants and employers.

Jordan Shay

SLE: There are other job search agencies in Second Life. What separates your employment services from the others?
JT: What separates us is our level of customer service. We aim to contact new advertisers within 6hrs of taking out an advertisement with us to to set up their advertising privileges in our group. Unlike some other services we also undertake advertising with other businesses in SL to raise our profile in our target client and applicant markets.
SLE: Do you screen employers for certain criteria before they can post available jobs at Vacancy?
JT: At the moment no we believe it’s important for all businesses in SL that are looking for applicants to fill roles within their business or businesses to have the option to advertise with us.
SLE: What type of skills do you recommend for job seekers to have before they apply for a job? Do you offer training programs or help with creating a resume?
JT: The jobs that are most advertised in SL are roles in the entertainment sector, ie - Dj Jobs and Hosting jobs. We will in the very near future be offering training and support for this. But we’ll go more into that at another time as we are firming up plans at the moment to get this all done and to offer a good service to the customers who choose to undertake training with us.
Ad boards

SLE:  How do employers get set up at Vacancy? Can they choose any AD Board in the room or are there specific areas for the type of job they are offering?
JT: The way we’re setup at the moment employers can put their ads anywhere. We took this choice from construction mainly to keep cost down for employers. If they was for example to have three jobs for example, DJ, Host, Dancer that would be 150L$ a week for three standard boards as opposed to 50L$ for one standard board. But employers can have more than one board if they wish.
SLE: What type of information is shared in your group that will help employers and job seekers?
JT: We have a group setup for both employers and job seekers which employers can post their jobs in as group messages group messages. We’re always looking to innovate in the jobs sector of SL and have some interesting developments planned for the future but on these you’ll have to wait and see ;-)
SLE: is there anything else you would like to share about Vacancy?
JT: Yeah there is, We hope to see your readers employers and applicants really soo and hopefully we can help employers find the right people to fill the roles employers have and applicants the dream SL job they are looking for!

JT, Jordan  and Lanai at Vacancy

Additional Information
Group: secondlife:///app/group/68c8a85e-ae79-7bef-299c-3f643a40241b/about 
For Assistance contact : JT Raynier, Ĵòɍḋḁn Șɧȧŷ (jcshay) or
garrettjones Resident

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