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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Spotlight on Beejay’s: It is More than a Club.

Multinational Venues draw big crowds because they welcome all walks of life to come and enjoy the entertainment in Second Life. Beejay’s is just the place to meet new people from all over the world and enjoy the eclectic mix of music provided by their premiere DJs. Upon entering Beejay’s you are surrounded by glowing hues of purple, green and blue. There are classy areas to sit with friends, people watch or enjoy the atmosphere tight near the dance floor or up above from the balcony view. For guests who are not too shy to get down on the dance floor, it sits right in the middle of the venue with a scantily clad guardian angel that overlooks the crowd. What really make Beejay’s more than a club? The SL Enquirer set out to find out from the creator herself; Cindy Evanier-Xaris.

Interview with Cindy Evanier-Xaris
SLE: When was Beejay’s established?
Cindy: BeeJay’s evolved from about September 2013
SLE: Who came up with the creative concept and what is Beejay’s objective?
Cindy: A few of us were left kicking our heels after the club we had been at previously closed and Sarah (Sarah91 Tremor) offered us space on her sim. Originally we were just friends hanging out playing music and having fun but over time others have seen that fun and wanted to be a part of it. Sarah was rebuilding the rest of the sim and asked my partner Ki Xaris to built the interior behind her facade.  Ki and I have been together a long time so we work very well together and he brings my ideas to life and so BeeJay’s as you see it today evolved.

SLE: Every successful venue requires teamwork. Who makes up the team behind Beejay’s?
Cindy: I can’t stress enough how wonderful the staff at BeeJay’s are.  Some like Sonja and Slick have official manager titles but the other staff are really supportive of each other and step in to help whenever needed because they are proud of our club.

SLE: What separated Beejay’s from other venues in Second Life?
Cindy: I am very strict about egos.  We are so much about fun, being silly and laughing that anyone who comes in flouting their ego doesn’t last long.

SLE: What type of music and events can guest expect?
Cindy: We have mostly every genre covered. Some of the DJ’s like myself throw theme parties introducing people to a lot of different styles. (Although the one club rule is no Mariah) We move around the sim a lot, using the beach, the bowling alley and we have an empty room on the top floor where we custom decorate for surprise rez day and other parties for staff and guests. We also have events sponsored by creators including Edelfabrik, Kix, Hugo’s Designs and X-Core with prizes, contests and giveaways.
SLE: Beejay’s is not only a club for dancing, what other surprises does this venue offer?

Cindy: We have hangout areas, a bowling alley, a beach, fishing, games and our club donations go towards buying new stuff at the suggestion of guests and not forgetting our quiz night which is great fun and busy
SLE: How often do you have events?
Cindy:There is something on every day at different times and we hold promotion parties weekly for different designers.

SLE: Are you currently hiring? If so, what positions are available?
Cindy: We are always looking to hire fun people as DJ’s and hosts and training is available
SLE: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers about Beejay’s?
Cindy: If you like a relaxed, fun atmosphere where we get silly sometimes dressing up, gestures are banned and we value our guests input on ideas for events then please look us up.  We love new friends.

Additional Information
Group: secondlife:///app/group/2464e022-1fa9-8c80-cba2-5a89e1c77361/about
Preferred Contact: Cindy Evanier-Xaris


  1. I have been to this club on several occasions and it's not so great, I've witnessed clicky, bullying, threatening and negative behaviour from it's owner(s)

  2. I am sorry to hear that Anonymous but well aware that being featured like this will bring out negative comments as well as good. I wonder why you come back "several times" if it is so awful

  3. Reason for several times, was because originally I thought it might have been a one off. Everyone gets off days. No such luck though , this was proven to be a repetitive occurrence. Sadly

  4. I am sorry you feel I have been a repetitive threatening bully but if you would like to message me in sl perhaps we can talk about this because I do not like to have given this impression,


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