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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Spotlight on AviewTV’s LaPiscean Liberty Tea Couturier Reporting...

When you think about SL TV you automatically think of AviewTV. It has been an institution in our SL lives for a long time and is still going strong  with the demand  for Machinima and increase of SL residence wanting to know what is occurring in our SL world.
LaPiscean Liberty is the founder of AviewTV and still continues to provide Machinima and media the residence of SL need and require. He was kind enough to meet me to talk about AviewTV and also learn a little about the man behind Machinima media.

Tea.  Could you please tell us a bit about yourself and how you came about joining SL?
LaPiscean: As I live some distance from my Daughter, Cherub Spectre in SL, I joined to spend time with her. She is Founder and CEO of PixelTrix in SL.

Tea. You’re the Founder/CEO of AviewTV, how did the Aviewtv begin?
LaPiscean: Around 2008, A friend of mine, Rysan Fall of Fall films and I were talking about how to promote the filmmakers in SL, as most never heard of most of us. I say us because I no longer make films. I realized I would never make films as well as other have, so I decided to promote those that do. My friend Rysan said, why don’t you create your own network, like others have done in SL but more of a commercial programing network. So I agreed and started to develop some resources that would best promote the filmmakers as a community. Hence we started "Community Driven Programming".

Tea. Do you feel that since starting the AviewTV SL has changed throughout the years and has this affected the media industry?
LaPiscean: I feel the changes that SL has made to its platform has only made the media resources in SL better. Such as media on a prim, or shared media. Machinima has become a very good marketing tool for LL as well. Bringing the filmmakers together as a community in SL has brought a wealth of information to the filmmakers, such as technique, style, as well as inspiration and comprehension.

Tea. You hold quite a few top position in SL such as "UWA Machinima / Virtual Media Advisor / Archivist" and Cutting Edge Concert Events / Partner LEA Board Member how did you get involved with these industries?

LaPiscean: Simple really, (short version) When I first came to SL, people were very friendly and forthcoming with help and advice. The community was small in 05, and Lindens were around commonly. In developing my own international Avatar, I spoke to each person as if they were a Linden, because they were around in resident identity as well, with the most helpful manner I could muster. You never knew and still don't know who your speaking with really. So in this spirit I always wanted to help others accomplish what they were trying to do. This led to these positions more than anything. But I love Art, and Rock & Roll to and I have been web casting since AOL. So combining my interests and experience this is what led me to be lucky enough to become involved with these organisations in SL.

Tea. Can you tell us a bit about Slartist and how it came about?
LaPiscean: Slartist started out as a domain only about the same time as Metanomics started out in SL, with Robert Bloomfield. I got the domain as part of a resource list I had made to develop a site for film community. The domain went unused or parked for years, until AviewTV had run its course with development, meaning outdated and new resources were required to meet the needs of community.

Tea. What do you like to do when you are not working in SL?
LaPiscean: When am I NOT working in SL? I DO love playing chess with friends and folks from around the globe. I also like cooking and working outdoors, weather permitting.

Tea. What is next for you for the rest of 2015?
LaPiscean: Basically finish up some development on some of the networks other sites such as which is a file sharing site like dropbox or you send it., Also working on the next generation AviewTV at which you may log into now with existing AviewTV account name and password. In 2016 be we will be looking forward to producing/launching, which will be a 3D content, multivendor shopping site, where members will sell content. We want to build a network site for the opensim community as well with the domains and Right now these domains point to Slartist.

Tea:  It looks as though we have a lot more too look forward too from AviewTV

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