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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Let’s Use the Power of Second Life to help these children! – Sherlynn Donner’s Fundraiser Event- April 22nd 2015 7-9pm SLT

There are many fundraisers in Second Life that collect donations for Relay for Life and other illnesses and diseases.  Throughout the years residents of Second Life have shown massive amounts of support and donated their time and money to help others around the world.

Sherlynn Donner’s story will pull at your heartstrings.  Often we do not hear the individual stories of those that lost their battle with breast cancer but they all include leaving behind family and loved ones who continue to suffer their lose. What happens to the surviving children of Breast Cancer?

Many times their lives are dramatically changed and they are raised by one parent or family members. Some even go into foster care because there is no one else who can care for them.  If we can do something to ease the pain and make a difference in the lives of these children, we should.

 Here is Sherlynn Donner’s story:
Sherlynn Donner lost her fight with breast cancer this morning and we lost an angel : (
Sherlynn was Ms. October 2008 and became a photographer for Playmates Magazine and Boy Toy in 2009.  Because of her generosity, Playmates stayed open during a very rough time, so we all have her to thank that Playmates is still in publication. She was one of my best friends in SL.  She had a wild sense of humor and a heart of gold.

Sherlynn was a single mother of 3.  Her ex-husband left her and moved back to his home country and she never heard from him again and never had financial support for her kids.

Now they are left without a mother. They are 17, 15 and 12.  She spent the last month of her life in a hospice and we spoke on the phone just 2 weeks ago.  Her biggest concern was leaving her kids behind without any money.  Sherlynn was an only child and both her parents have passed away.  Her last wish was for her kids to remain in their home with the oldest raising the 2 younger ones.

PLEASE Donate.  Even if it's $20L.  It is something.  These kids need our help.  All donations will be sent to Sherlynn's oldest daughter.  Thank you for your help!

-Tazzy Jenkins

In honor of Sherlynn Donner Fundraiser Event

Wednesday April 22nd from 7-9 SL time

Featuring DJ Irish  Karillion

Sherlynn Donner Fundraiser collection  box:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your kindness. I am amazed at how everyone has pulled together for this family. Sherlynn was wonderful and generous woman and she loved Second Life and all her friends. I feel that she is looking down on us, smiling and thanking everyone involved. I have been brought to tears many times by the generosity of the SL community. I can never thank you all enough.


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