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Friday, April 3, 2015

Introducing the New Bamboo Koi Theatre-Opening nights Thursday 9th April 2015 9am slt - 6pm slt

The Bamboo Koi Theatre is a good old variety theatre available to any artist, not just the established ones and the owner plans to have all types of performers from live singers and musicians, theatre performances which are avatar based, Comedians, Open mic, Circus acts etc.
“I don’t want performances to be stuck in the English language genre” said Gemini “I want artists to bring their own culture here, perform in their own language and share their passion with the whole of second life”

Gemini, owner of The Bamboo Koi Theatre and La Freese, owner of Pointe Fusion Elite, set up L&G Entertainment to compliment the theatre. Between them they have assembled an experienced team who offer their time & services free of charge to help new resident performers find their feet by teaching all the basics that had to be learned as new residents, whilst at the same time providing two venues in which they can perform and also promoting the artists in the virtual entertainment world with a view to getting them regular work.
The team have skills across the board, Graphic designers, scripters, builders, fashion and appearance experts, freebie hunters, live performers, voice coach, streamers, radio station, the complete package.

Gemini says that she is keen to find a little theatre group. Since leaving the Okiya she misses the performances and the creativity of the shows and advertised for a theatre group without a home or someone who had a desire to start one. She has the space and the passion to provide a home for such a group.
A week later a girl called Anna landed outside the office.
Anna has been in SL for nearly 4 years, left for a while and recently returned. She has never danced or performed in world and has never used a dance HUD but she brought with her real life ballet skills which she wanted to recreate in SL.
Knowing nothing of ballet, Gemini pointed her in the direction of existing ballet companies but Anna wanted to set up her own at the theatre. Gemini said "I was overjoyed"
They are currently working on a complete solo performance as Anna's debut. "Its great fun" said Gemini with a beaming smile "I am back in my element. Hopefully the theatre group will also stop by one day.

Anna opens at the Bamboo Koi Theatre on 16th April with Voices of Spring

The venue itself comprises of the main Theatre, Piano Lounge, Rooftop Bistro and the L&G Office.

"I hope that at some point we will have a resident pianist to entertain people whilst they sit and relax or work on a new project. The Bistro also provides a nice night time ambience for time with friends and loves ones to listen to a live artist. Maybe one day I will find staff who enjoy waitressing etc and we can have a little dining out experience"

The Owner of the Bamboo Koi Theatre

Gemini began her second life as a hostess at a club but unimpressed, she reinvented and became a Maiko studying traditional Japanese arts and culture and following the daily routine of life in an Okiya (Geisha house)
A lot of the study and work she says, was being the perfect Hostess along with creating & performing stage shows, stories, and choreographing traditional dance routines
None of this was live performance using voice; the only 'Live' part was streaming music to the theatre or Tea house for the show. But the interaction with our guests was much more fulfilling; adding "I have done a lot during my second life but nothing on the scale of what I am hoping to do with The Bamboo Koi & L&G Entertainment"

"I always have land anyway, usually bigger than I need. I never use all the prims and end up letting people live somewhere on my land free of charge to help them out. Anyway my second life was lacking so I thought why not go one step further and combine my love of the performing arts with my penchant for helping people and Bamboo Koi / L&G Entertainment was born
The main concept here is sharing and enjoying what we do rather than being focused on linden dollars. The venue has no donation jar, all tips go to performers. It' all about leaving real life behind and enjoying the virtual world"


Opening nights Thursday 9th April 2015 9am slt - 6pm slt for 3 days
The line up has experienced Sl live musicians, mixed with new performers, a magician, an open mic sessions where anyone can come along and do whatever act they wish and to close the show the Chang High Sisters with their fire and light show will be putting on a very colourful display. That should be a spectacular end to the opening days.


The Bamboo Koi Theatre
Distant Lights

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