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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Want to Get Pregnant in Second Life? Let’s Explore this Question.- Lanai Jarrico Reporting..

It has been a while since I’ve binged on some candid articles about the culture of Second Life so I decided to browse the events list for some writing inspiration and came across this question….  “Want to Get Pregnant in Second Life”?

 I’m no stranger to this topic. Many of my friends have popped out prim babies, I even had a stork (creator) drop one on me to promote and play with. Besides that forced parenting experience I also own a zooby baby… or too. I won’t disclose my baby daddy or anything but … I know the process.

Anyway…curious to find out where the teleport would take me, I landed in a fertility clinic but oddly I was ejected and banned  after about 5 minutes with no warning or explanation. Perhaps I should dig deeper into that particular clinic and see if there is some shady business going on. I did nothing to deserve such a rude boot.

With a little light hearted humor let’s get back on topic here.

SL Family role play is very popular as many know. Many SLers have experienced it for themselves while others think it is just weird and ridiculous. Nonetheless most of us have came across a pregnant avie, child avies or a loving parent cradling a prim baby in their arms while subjecting everyone to the belly talking HUD letting bystanders know that Mommy loves her baby or something about nasty stretch marks.

With family role play comes the deed to creating prim babies for many couples.
 When these mates get intimate by using sexbeds, rugs, pillows, tabletops and other objects containing sex animation, the act of making babies gets more real but it won’t cause a pregnancy. Couples have to wear a fertility/ pregnancy HUD to achieve conception. (Mama-Allpa & Pooterbilt have good ones)

The next step is finding a clinic that provides the OBGYN roleplay care expectant parents need. There are some pretty authentic ones out there like Hands On Maternity Clinic and Birthing Center. It is operated by real medical professional for a genuine experience.

The whole experience can be interesting, costly and maybe even a bit complicated just to add a little something extra to a loving relationship.

There are different options for going about the whole parenting thing. One way is purchasing an artificially intelligent prim baby or finding someone willing to dress up like a child avatar and roleplay as your offspring.  

The child avatar option adds more substance to the relationship between child and parent but it is kind of strange when I see a child avie speaking like a 2 year old and knowing it is really an adult.  Nonetheless to each their own.

Artificial intelligent babies get neglected more because they can’t complain about being stored in an inventory for days or weeks whilst a child avatar might divorce you as their parent and move on to another loving family due to neglection.

What happens when you just want a baby without the “middle man”? Well Second Life offers alternative solutions to child bearing.  The clinic I landed at offers artificial insemination.

 I’m left with questions about how this process works since I was so rudely kicked out of the clinic promoting it.  I wonder if fertile avies choose from an ad board of willing donors for a quick hud hook up-minus the flowers and candy or… the deed is done in a more professional roleplay situation using a virtual turkey baster while the patient lays flat on a cold hard table. The process remains a mystery but hey the service is available in Second Life. Here is the link to the Maternity Clinic Rodeo Drive.  Sketchy name but you will have to find out for yourself.

If sacrificing your hourglass figure, child avatars or artificial insemination aren’t choices you like, adoption is an option.

Just remember, becoming a virtual parent is something you might want to think about if you are unsure about your romantic relationship(s) or if the time you have to spare with your little bundle of prim joy is rare. 

Just like having a child in the real world, you have expenses and responsibilities.  Also, nobody wants to see pregnant women twerking in the club or bringing their babies with them to places where adults go to get away from their own kids. It is not cute.

Adding a baby to your virtual family however should be a special and joyous time. The whole experience can be rewarding for some but not only enjoying the bundle of joy in their second lives but enjoying the joys of SL pregnancy while still being able to do some heavy prim lifting or enjoying a drink or two or three.

 Congratulations if getting pregnant in Second Life has changed your virtual experience for the better.


  1. It really is managed simply by genuine medical expert to get a authentic knowledge.

  2. plan to take part in sexual relations in the midst of your most productive window, which is a couple of days before ovulation amid that time you ovulate. when can i get pregnant

  3. You can check about Suki Prim Babies:

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