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Saturday, March 7, 2015

Meet Mesh Creator and owner of ABAR in Second Life; Acuolo Barbarossa - Piers Diesel Reporting...

We are a Second Life nation of mesh, where mesh has not only become a part of what we wear but how we live from the new avatars, clothes, hair, homes, decor, cars, landscapes and  accessories.
However, if you wanted to be a mesh creator but do not have the time or skills to use a mesh creating software package then the next thing you would look for would be mesh creating objects.  You can find these kits on Marketplace or in world.
Aculolo Barbarossa owns and operates ABAR; a mesh business for those who wish to bypass actually creating mesh for themselves. Aculolo was busy creating her next line of mesh creations when I visited her at her workshop to discuss her work and also learn more about the lady behind one of the successful mesh businesses in Second Life.

Piers: How did you get into building in Second life and turn this into a business?

Aculolo: The first time I did login in to second life I did for make my real house, really then I didn’t know how to build nothing, that take some time learned to use building viewer tools. Those were my first steps.
Three years later, after I played all things I could imagine, I was very boring about Second Life, really very... But a friend taught me how to make sculpt things, then i decided to sell my creations like a hobby. For my surprise I discovered the people like my creations and get some money,  so I started to learn different 3d software’s and take this more seriously. And now I love my job. I’m free!

Piers: Can you tell us a bit about your business?

Aculolo: Well, I sell industrial products semi-billed in 3d, in others words, I sell item full perm in Second Life for people who know use Photoshop or Gimp and want to get some money reselling my items customized by themselves. My first target was second life's kids, some years ago there are not much item full perm for kids, then I though it was a good idea. And community's kids are really nice. I enjoyed making item for kids.

Piers: Running a business in Second Life can be hard, what do you think are the reasons why your business has remained as successful as it is?

Aculolo: Really? I don't feel so successful. I just enjoy working making the things I love. A good relationship with my customers help, I answer all customer's question so good I can. They feel relaxed, if there are a problem they know I will fix it or I will give options. My desire to learn new things, mesh rigged, fitted mesh... always I have new things. I accept ideas from my customers, they decide what work. They are my boss... And why not? I’m a creative person.

Piers: What do you like to do when you are not working in Second Life?

Aculolo: I always have a lot of work here... But I need scape out of the computer, so I go out with my little dog, my friends or my girl. As well I love music, I play the double-bass and electric bass with friend one time per week, and sometimes I practice drawing. I also enjoy watching films and TV series. I’m a creative person, so always I’m searching new muses.

Piers: For someone wanted to start out in becoming a content creator what advice or top tips would you give?
Aculolo: My advice would be 5 steps, which are:
1. Start doing easy and fast things.
2. Don't be very exigent with yourself.
3. Organizes you.
4. Be patient and work hard.
5. If you find a thing that feel you locked: Divide and rule.
Think in your skills, in who can buy it and how can sell it. An example...
I have a strange quality for do cute things, the cute kids can buy it, and do it how like full perm items.
I mean you need to have a concrete and logic idea.

Piers: What new things can we expect to see from you in the future?

Aculolo: Actually I’m very excited working in woman fitted mesh avatar, compatible with standard sizes clothes, like a Second Life body update, will be like an exclusive shop for woman.

To purchase or find out more about  ABAR visit  the links below.

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