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Friday, March 20, 2015

Living with a New York State of mind. A review of The New York City of SL- Sunny Love Holiday Reporting

One could surely state that New York City, NY is the fashion mecca of America.  Ranging from the high end shopping, extraordinary fashion shows, and stylish apartment living, all fashionistas from different cultures tend to look towards New York City at some point during styling in their life. Thanks to the hard work of Joi Price, Owner and Dylani Sweetface Chiantelle, CEO of NYC and all the brands under it.
The New York City sim in Second Life™ is no different.  I recently had the pleasure of spending a day shopping and exploring the Sim and was pleasantly pleased with my experience. I left with the feeling that everyone should take a trip to this sim. I couldn’t wait to get home, open my laptop, and share with the readers of SLE as to why.

Since being established on 11/11/2011, The New York City sim in Second Life™ has evolved into one of SL’s hottest go to places for all of your styling needs. Even spilling into your real life due to Joi Price’s Brand, Angels x Astronauts, that releases new items both inworld and in real life simultaneously.  There has been many well-known brands that got their start on this popular sim, but the equally well known brands of Animaux formerly known as Bellballs, LoQ hair, K-Code Legal Insanity, and Maki Kato has pretty much been there since the beginning and hold down the fort to ensure shoppers have the best to choose from.

If that wasn’t enough, The New York City sim™ in Second Life’s staff also took over the very popular fashion site, Fashion Feed Of SL, which has been noted as being one of the largest and known fashion feeds in SL. Which I feel, and I am sure most othesr do too, that this take over goes hand and hand with proving to be the Fashion Capital of SL.

As my journey began down Fifth Ave, the first thing I noticed was the authentic metropolitan city lifestyle draped all around me.  One of my fondest RL memories is my shopping sprees in the big apple and  I couldn’t help but to be amazed at how real the shopping experience was as I walked from store to store. This sin truly lives up to the big city feel but conveniently has tour guides located to prevent that “lost” feeling one might have traveling in a large city.

I entered a store that recently joined the New York commercial side by then name of Finest Art Design. I was lucky enough to run into its owner, Trulove67 Resident, as he was setting up shop for his launch. He was kind enough to take a break from his busy work and express his feelings about his move to New York.

 “All  I can say is I love New York. “ He boasted. “Its beautiful place to live and the staff here is amazing!” After being a resident for some time and learning all the perks that the commercial units comes with, Trulove67 felt it was a perfect place to start his new business.

Shortly after my run in with this excited store owner, luck found me a second time by running in to the one and only Dylani Sweetface Chiantelle. After explaining my conversation with Turlove67, Dylani explained why she felt her commercial residents feel so much appreciation for the staff’s work.  “Not to brag but one thing I can say about our tenants. Everyone gets hands on treatment. When a store moves in we actually market them on all of our social media. We give them a grand opening event that we produce ourselves, and let them know they are not just money to us but a team” She explained.

The perks don’t stop at the commercial residents. Avies whom choose to live in one of the luxurious residential units are treated just as special. Each unit was custom built, so no one lives in the same style unit.

 Dylani further explained, “Every unit is furnished but I will actually get input from a resident and do the decor for their style and taste. I actually update the furniture when new releases come out. I try to make every unit feel like a home. Each unit has different decor so everybody can feel like they have their very own space. But we are also flexible. So when a resident wantd things removed so they can furnish their units, we accommodate.”

Excitement rushed over me when Dylani offered to show me around an available Brownstone and studio unit, two of the most popular residential rentals.  As soon as I stepped in the door I was taken aback by the city view out the New York loft style windows and the modern décor. I honestly can say there wasn’t much I would change or then the fact I would need a nursery for my beautiful zoobie baby. When asked if Zoobie babies was something they could accommodate, Dylani quickly responded saying “When someone contact us about moving in, I usually ask if they have a family or not. I’ve had residents with Zoobie babies and redid the units with a nursery and whatever they needed. Pets are also allowed limited to cats/dogs at a limited amount.”

If you have not visit The New York City sim in Second Life™ for a shopping spree yet, or is has been a while since you have been in the city, I highly recommend you plan a trip there during this spring/summer with your family and/or friends. There are many fun and exciting plans being made for the upcoming seasons. You do not want to miss out on it.  Perhaps you are looking for a new place to lay your head. I can say with all the things offered to you as a resident, there is no better place to do that then this Sim. Start thinking with that New York state of mind!

Additional Information
Other: Real Life Angels x Astronauts Items website
Other: Commercial and residential leasing application

Client Preferred Contact: Joi Price | and Dylan Chiantelle |

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