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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Avie Poll: Sex Sells Now Vs. Then- Becca Drascol Reporting…

As good as the time old adage?

They say sex sells. We use it in advertising, and it's in some form almost everywhere you go.  And in virtual worlds it's no different.  I'm out to explore Second Life and see if sex sells better today in 2015 or if people feel it sold better in SL's beginning days. Being co-owner of a sex/strip club, I know the business and have been a dancer for almost all five of my years in SL. That being said, my experience alone is only a small part of that which intrigues me about how well one of SL's biggest industries works. I'm interested in the differing views I may encounter, so journey with me.

I started out by asking my friend Shae, who is an eight year resident of SL.  With her experience as a dancer and escort in SL, I figured she would be a good person to get an opinion from.

Becca Drascol: Do you think sex sells better now in SL or earlier on?

Shae Bellambi: I think escorting was easier and a whole lot more money earlier.

That was a short and simple reply but an honest one. Next I asked a friend and coworker, Zepron his opinion. He also has experience working in adult clubs in SL.

Becca Drascol: Do you think sex sells better now in SL or earlier on?

Zepron Resident: Earlier on back in 08, 09.

Becca Drascol: Ok one other question; what do you think changed things on how sex sells now vs then?

Zepron Resident: SL was younger then there were more people just finding SL and seen that you could have sex.

I decided to ask Jenwen Walpole owner of Escort Oasis her opinion. Jen is a 7 year old av with a thriving business.

Becca Drascol: Do you think sex sells better now in SL or earlier on?

Jenwen Walpole: I don't think it sells better or worse.  That’s kind of like asking did sex sell better in the 60's or now. What has changed is the nature of what people are looking for. Same as real life I guess.

Last I asked a close friend of mine Brenna Dover her opinion.
Becca Drascol: Do you think sex sells better now in SL or earlier on?

Brenna Dover: Well honestly I think sex sold better earlier on than now because people were newer to SL and just here for one thing mostly... whereas now a lot of people are actually looking for real relationships and paying for sex isn’t all that needed.  I’ve never paid for it.
Point of view or Mindset?
Rather you view the question of how sex "sells" as the literal meaning of the exchange of money for some form of sexual service, or as a concept of media images or even a sexy avatar as something that draws us in; the answer I was seeking was simply people's idea on what sells and if sex sells better now or if it did in the past. Sex and being sexual is raw human nature and therefore it's this writer's opinion that sex does still sell.

When asked, "Do you think sex sells better now in SL or earlier on?" combining the idea of sex sells and second life, of course sent minds directly to the idea surrounding the literal meaning, an exchange of sex for money i.e. escorting or dancing. However, this too answers a bigger idea behind this article. Just combining the words sex and sells puts an image to mind that I refer to selling sex. But as noted above, sex selling can be in the smallest of terms.

 It can be an alluring avatar that draws your attention to stay at one venue or it could be hot pictures of art or otherwise that captivated you to stay put where you are and take the time to give traffic to a venue.  Therefore the old adage sex sells indeed sold you on giving your time to a venue, now didn't it? 

 The whole idea is one intriguing and as old as time. So yes, sex still sells perhaps, not as well as it once may have in Second Life or in other virtual worlds. What catches the eye keeps you intrigued or entertains to the point that you are at least sold on an idea; image or service is what makes sex continue to sell.

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