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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Spotlight on David Csiszer : Vocalist and multi Instrumentalist Artist - Tea Couturier Reporting...

In Second Life when we want to listen to some good music we go to clubs but when we want to listen to some live music we all have our favorite performers we follow around the grid.
This is how many feel about Davis Csiszer formally known as Charles Coleman. David not only shares his talent with the Second Life live music lovers but  he also connects with his fans.  This is probably what makes him one of the top performers in SL . I had the pleasure of being able to sit down with David between gigs and find out a bit more about him and his life in SL.

Tea: How did you begin working as a performing in SL? Also what music genre do you perform?

David: I began in 2006, I taught building in SL and a friend in SL found out I played guitar and tried getting me to do an open mic. At that time I really wasn’t a singer so I had to learn 3 songs I could sing and play at the same time. After that they wanted me to play a show. In a couple of weeks I was able to at least play a 30 minute show. I kept building up and building up. I am not sure how many songs I do now lol.
As far as genre, I feel like I took a big pot and pour many genres in it. I play anything from Zepplin to Imagine Dragons and many flavors of covers and originals. Sometimes I will break off into little Spanish, Jazz, and classical pieces and so on.…

Tea. SL has changed threw out the years and I am sure this has also been reflected in the music business. Do you think this has been for the best? 

David: I think the majority of the changes over the years i.e. eliminating dwell, payment of mentors and teachers, categorization of adult, mature, and general and all was necessary for Linden Labs even though not beneficial to SL businesses. To keep their business going they had to cut cost and secure their liability. The SL economy as a whole definitely effects the music in SL but it has decline and made rebounds several times. The bottom line: SL is still here and so is the music in it.

TeaWhat brought you to SL? 

David: In 2005 I was looking at the back of a cereal box. I saw the cereal company had a virtual world for kids. It was a very primitive 2d one but it made me wonder what was out there. I started searching and found SL. It was a mind blowing experience the first month seeing no limitations on what can be done in SL.

Tea. Who is your inspiration in the music industry?

David: Masaru Nagano, Steve Hall, and other musician friends have been the building blocks of learning about music, philosophy of music and life, and going to the heart of music and inspiration.

Tea.  You have lots of Fans and supporters in Second Life. I am sure that helps spur any performer on. How has this made you strive with your talent in Second Life?   

David: All the way from encouraging me to do the open mic to encouraging me to keep going I have really fed off of other people. I would hear recordings of me singing and hate my voice. Similar to when we hear ourselves on the answering machine and hate the sound of our own voices.  But people in SL reacted positively. People kept telling me how good I sounded. As much as I didn’t believe that, those comments kept me going and kept me growing. I would have quit a long time ago if it wasn’t for everyone in SL encouraging me.

Tea. What do you like to do in SL when you’re not performing?
David: Back in the day I used to have a lot of fun. Taking friends high up in my flying Mustang car and jumping out parachuting to the ground. Hot air balloon rides, Transylvania wall and just many things I found in SL.  Recent days I have been balancing a lot in my RL so haven’t gone to the depth of activities I used to. Though you might find me wandering around a Star Wars sim in a Boba Fett avie sometimes lol

Tea. What can we expect from you in Second Life? 
David: More music!, I always progress. I get comments on how much I have grown musically in SL I am always learning new things, trying new ways, new tools, songs, and instruments.

To find out more about David click the link below:

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