Some of us have huge parties to go to, where we will drink beers and gobble chicken wings. Others will head to the bar, where they will do similar things.
Some of you may be solo for whatever reasons you may have. That's one of the reasons they invented SL, because RL can be boring some times. You may have the Super Bowl to watch, but it's not as much fun watching alone.
Why not watch on SL?
Well, have the game on the TV in RL, but watch the game at the Aero Pines Super Bowl Paty!
In fact, instead of asking "Why not watch it on SL?", let me phrase it as "Why you should watch it on SL."
- You can ignore avatars more easily than real people if the game becomes compelling.
Think about this one. Tom Brady is marching down the field with a minute left, trailing by 5. Your wife/husband, who isn't a fan, chooses this time to ask some question that is very important to her but doesn't mean spit to you at this particular moment. Try saying "BRB" to her.
- You don't have to share your pizza, and no one will ever notice your gluttony.
- Avatars are incapable of walking in front of the TV during a big play. I missed Janet Jackson's t*ts because of this once.
- As long as you keep the mic off, no one will hear you cry if your team loses.
- Gambling is illegal on SL, but it is fun betting Lindens on things. "I bet you 20000 Ls that Marshawn fumbles" sounds better than "I bet you $0.75." No, I have no idea what the exchange rate is, I live on Lanai's salary, stripper money, wrestling show tips and whatever money people who need really short models are paying these days.
- Party diversity is important. Everyone at the party I'm going to in the real world will be a New England fan (I'm from Duxbury, MA)... and if they weren't, it would probably be in their best interest to pretend that they were. You can get f*cked up for that around here, even out in the sticks.
At a SL Super Bowl party, you'll have Patriot fans, Seahawk fans, fans of the sport in general who generally root for other teams but are jumping on your bandwagon, and even people who think Football is Soccer but who came because there's a party going on. It makes for a fun afternoon.
So, who is hosting such a party that people like you or I could attend? Why, Aero Pines, of course.
Aero Pines is some giant park, full of winter activities. I was going to do a story about them soon enough, but the Super Bowl kind of snuck up on me, so we'll start with their party this Sunday.
They have a great set-up in place, and I'm witing this on the Friday before. In the parking lot (yes, they have a parking lot), you can start off proper-like by getting a team Jersey. They have dozens of options, male and female. You can then head over to the tailgate section, where various pickup trucks, bar-b-q's and kegs of beer are there for the taking.
The tailgate party is important, because beer is much more costly once you enter the stadium. That doesn't matter in SL, but I like to try to Go Native when immersing myself into a scene. I plan to do my heavy virtual drinking in the parking lot.
Once you are properly fortified, you can head to the field to watch the game. In an act that I'm sure is illegal but will never touch you or I, they plan to broadcast the game on the big screen they have on the far side of the football field from the bleachers you'd be sitting in.
This might actually rule if you get stuck in the office for the Super Bowl with no TV. If your boss catches you, just tell her that all the cool kids network this way now. She'll probably buy it, as it's easier than disciplining you. She's making you work on the Super Bowl, so f*ck her.
Anyhow, here is the landmark for the place ( ). After that, the ball is in your hands.
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