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Thursday, January 1, 2015

What Are Your New Year's Resolutions? Bimala Tagore reporting

Did you know New Year Celebrations started in pre- Christian times and was observed by the Babylonians in March?  The Romans are responsible for changing the celebrations to January and beginning the tradition of New Year resolutions. Another interesting fact is that January is derived from the name Janus; a two-faced pagan god who was the protector of gates. One face looks backwards at the old year and the other face looks forward into the New Year. 

Image from

We still practice this tradition today as the end of a year approaches and the beginning of a new one begins. It is a good time to evaluate your life situations; both the good and the bad. It is time to say goodbye to the past and look forward into the future.
So many memories are created and awareness grows with time. Many people are touched, loved and cared about. December is the last month of the year to remind ourselves of the need to affirm, begin again, find meaning and purpose as well as demonstrate our true selves with trust and confidence.
What are your New Year's Resolutions? What are you going to do or change in your first and second life? That is the crucial question to be posed here. All of these resolutions are laden with consequences and concern the meaning of life itself.
Some of our friends have already expressed their purposes and they will make present to our readers their projects and goals for this coming year.
Let me introduce you to Teer Latzo. He is a writer of elegant and fluid language. On the road, he looks at profound attitude of his writing and his goals reflect on how far he has come and where he hopes to go next.

Teer Latzo: “2015 is a big year for me. One of the goals I have set years ago will finally come to fruition. My resolution for this is to make the experience as good as possible. I will also continue to write and add to my blog and continue to reach out to other writers and artist, giving mutual positive support. As a writer/artist I see the need for support reaching desperation: I have never seen so many artist and writers so self-absorbed and looking down on those working hard at the very same thing. There is only competition if your work is the same as everyone else’s. My resolution is to continue to show support and talk about ideas and concepts with others. I would also like to utilize SL and offer some of my new works to publication and or use throughout as part of the writing community. This includes any interested parties in the SL writers community such as the SL Enquirer and etc,.. I wish everyone a fantastic New Year, full of fresh ideas and goals”.

Kathryn Audurburgh is like a beautiful flower, full of color.  Her love for blossoms and books was complemented with her interest on poetry. She is a distinguished poet. She won the first prize of “Tagore Poetry Competition in Second Life 2013”

Kathryn Audurburgh : “My New year’s resolution for 2015 would be to build again. I haven't built anything in 2 years so my flower shop has no new products. I bought a lot of building materials before but i lack the inspiration to make anything. Maybe a change of season would do the.  I should do that more often. And I have been planning on documenting some of my sl adventures or make a blog about sl. This might help others trick. I also would like to hear Live Concerts in Second Life. I have only been in three”.

Scarlette Dubrovna is a passionate woman who sings about love, who touches different genres that deal with deep emotions.   The connection with her audience gave her a sense of mission that reflects her feelings.  

Scarlette Dubrovna: “I plan on being my own woman, with my own ideas and voice them all the time. I am the one who sets the limits and goals. In this sense, I work towards my own philosophies and passions. My second resolution for coming year it is to start singing more in venues. I really like singing and that is why I feel that music can help me express myself. Finally, to tell the people in my Second Life that I love them and care for them as you never know when it’s the last”.

Miha Shamen captivated his audience with his unequaled and powerful voice it includes many genres and different styles, which made up Miha´s repertoire preserving this singer´s unique voice.  

Miha Shamen: “I Love My Family. I Love to Entertain and Sing My Music, but most of all, I treat every day as if it was my last, & I treat others how I Like to be treated. Every day is a new day at my age i dont look to the future i look at the present and remember my past. Happiness is not acquired through living for the moment, but through surrendering to a meaningful goal”.

Lyle Lindman and Sedona Bluemood are a charming couple with special training in helping people to learn, grown and solve problems.

Lyle: I need to disappoint you a bit. In general I don't make any resolutions for a new year. Of course I have ideals to which I strive. But I try to evaluate and ponder life whenever I have a few moments in a peaceful surrounding.  Growth is maybe something that happens step by step. And sometimes a long walk in nature can be the right time and place.
Sedona:  My resolutions in SL are related to “Soul Food Lounge”. It is a place where we have a great time with wonderful people and reading selections that help you in the situation that you are in. These lectures are very important. As a matter of fact, as we need physical food in order to live, we also need spiritual food in order to nourish our spiritual grown.

At this time write down your list of resolutions. This list should be in order of importance from the highest resolution to the lowest.  Start the New Year with goals and try to accomplish them. This will help you get a new start on your journey through life.

We wish you much luck and success for 2015 and beyond.


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