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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Behind the Scenes with Seychelles Isles- Debby Sharma Reporting...

Photography Credits: Atlan Bade

Seychelles Isles, “Serenity, Tranquillity, Prestige”. These words truly define the mesmerising estates by the sea. A tropical paradise surrounded by the lush greens of palm trees, coarse white sand under the feet, bright sun and a canopy of stars. It is a perfect place to retreat or have a home. A community that has prospered with a team of hardworking individuals over two years who have made your dream come true. This has also been the home of SL Enquirer.

Debby Sharma: Please tell us about your journey with Seychelles Isles and something about your team.
Seychelles Isle was established as an outgrowth of my previous estate called Irish Estates.  We originated back in 2012 where we created a footprint for what we have created today.  My team and I wanted to offer a community to SL that is a dream scape modelled after the real life Seychelles Isles.  Of course we had to modify a few things along the way to make it more appealing to SL Consumers but we have successfully kept to our vision by what you see today.

Here is a link to the RL Seychelles Isles Travel to give you an idea  as well as a link to our website to compare

Now you have a general understanding or our feel I can go into what is the inspiration and truth behind Seychelles in SL.  I teamed up with my co-creator EricaAnne Hastings from the beginning to paint this dream for SL.  She has been my inspiration and best friend touching every aspect of Seychelles Isles.  An amazing talented artist in RL that has brought so much joy to those she touches in SL.  Come by and visit her store to see what I am sharing with you.  Now my Rock of Gibraltar is Baila Palmira.  She also has been with me since the beginning shaping our operations and structuring an infrastructure that is "best in class" perfect in RL.  She made my life in SL easy in the sense that I can hand over the keys to her and know this will continue.  Lacy Muircastle, long-time friend and exceptional talent in Public Relations.  She has been sincerely one of my greatest friends on SL even though we chat barely twice a month.  Recently I have had the privilege of adding some remarkable folks to the team, Therrainia who is the Commodore of the Seychelles Yacht Club as well as a very talented designer.  She has of late, stepped into meet our challenge of managing growth lending her RL expertise in graphic design and program development for our Maritime Operations.  Next is Pippa Rexen a dear friend of mine.  We go way back in SL.. 2 years... Seems like a lifetime on SL doesn't it.  Well Pippa is the owner of a RL company call "Ocean Chilled Radio" that streams Chill Music across the internet featuring new and seasoned worldwide artists in that genre.  Pippa is a great resource for me on turn around strategies as well as "roll up your sleeves and get to work" day to day functions.

I have to mention a great asset to SI is the creator of the Seychelles Coast Guard. NightDr (Jericho).  A RL vet, like me, he brought his passion and military bearing to SI that I could feel deeply proud about.  Jericho unfortunately suffered some medical setbacks which we hope he will recover soon and be back with us.

There are so many that helped shaped what and who we are today and will be many in the coming future all of which bring their own uniqueness and special charm to SI.  Some of those that have been big influences as well as friends are:

Mimi Junea
Robin Lobo
David Jupiter
Amy Ferguson
Mariella Anna
Leesa Donner
Dro Millar
Kimsy Shamen
Reign Congrejo
Esme Capello
Jolie Artis
And so many more..

Debby Sharma: Could you please tell, what does Seychelles Isles offer to the residents of Second Life?
Seychelles Isles offers the very best in Second Life living.  A Community built by its residents for its residents where every dream can come true.  Expertly landscaped residential and communal areas, glittering events, and fully sailable blue waters can all be yours at Seychelles Isles with open boating slips to dock your boat as well as low lag for some of the best flying in Second Life!

We offer live music events and other community events at our exquisite Seychelles Isles Yacht Club. Seychelles Isles Yacht Club (SIYC) Seychelles Isles Mooring Field, SIYC Entertainment Pavilion/Lawn, Seychelles Entertainment Pier, Seychelles Isles SURF BEACH, E'lan Fine Furniture and Accessories @ Seychelles Isles, Anchor & Compass Public House @ Seychelles Isles, Seychelles Isles International Airport 4 sims, Seychelles Isles Coast Guard, Scuba Diving Area @ Seychelles Isles, Seychelles Isles Garden~ (Romantic Garden).
 I had to give you our standard response with that question but simply put, we are having some good clean fun.
Photography Credits:

Debby Sharma: What was your motivation or inspiration behind creating such beautiful cultural community that caters to both residential and commercial purposes?
My motivation has been and probably always be EricaAnne Hastings and my dear friends.  I honestly spend my time balancing dreams, expectations and the bottom line. 
Balance is the operative word here.  Everyone that I have met and had the privilege to work alongside has their own interests, motivations and vision of what, where and when Seychelles Isles should and could be.  Is that primarily residential or a mix of residential, commercial and Role Play?  We are balancing that now offering to the current residents more to choose or not choose but keeping to our mission.
Photography Credits:

Debby Sharma: What are the events held at Seychelles Isles?

Events. Oh my goodness. The question should be what events haven't we had.  Here is a short list:
Hosted Feed a Smile
AC Challenge Races
Weekly Inter-club Sailing Races
Role Play for the SI Coast Guard
Live music with the Real Group and Anchor & Compass and soon Streaming Falls
Rez Day Parties
Holiday Events
and soo many more

Debby Sharma: What Plans do you have with Seychelles Isles for the year 2015?

2015 is expected to be another growth year for us.  We have a relationship with Linden Lab that allows us to be attached to the Mainland Oceans with access to over 2000 sailing and flying sims (regions).
I have our expansion plan in my back pocket and can share this without compromising to much:
Adding 37 water sims to the West and North. Adding more Island regions for residential and commercial no number determined as of yet; starting a couple of new venues that will be release this quarter; finishing a welcoming HUB for LL with a Seychelles feel. We have been selected to be one of the few estates to work with LL on this program.

Seychelles Isle

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