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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

What do you wish for this Christmas?- Debby Sharma Reporting...

HO! HO! HO! Santa is in town filling your chimneys with Christmas wishes. Have you been good this year? Oh well, Santa loves all. He sees a child in every soul. As we grow up, we look up to Santa as a myth, but we must always cling to the hope that all will be good one day. Being Santa’s little helper, I went around asking everyone what you wish for, this Christmas. Here are a few wishes this year, 2014.

Ann Lako: I would wish for prosperity for all creators and designers in SL, for the griefers and scammers to once and for all be gone from SL so they can no longer plague the residents of our community, and most importantly that everyone be able to fulfil their hopes and dreams that brought them into SL.
Annie Melson: Hmmm..... well, since I don't separate SL and RL, my wishes would be the same. My wish this Christmas is for everyone to have happiness, friends, family, love, and health. It sounds trite anymore because so many people say it, but for me it is the absolutely truth. What I want for myself is for my husband to continue to be well and cancer free, and for my kids and myself to remain healthy and happy.
Bianca Xavorin: Going into the New Year I am letting go of the past and only taking the good with me. I am grateful for my partner Walter Gedenspire. I can only wish that we continue to grow as we have for the past two years. I wish all my friends and family everything their hearts desire, along with happiness, health and abundance.

Boris Twist: I had just awoken and with coffee in hand doing what I could to get dressed and out the door for a service gig at church, I read this delightful note very quickly. It was a question I thought I understood but with no time to think about it and respond. Since then a day had passed, wind storms covering California and Coastal Oregon had taken out the lights and power on our street all night to mid-morning. It was total black in every house on the street and I managed to get in bed with a flashlight and my cell phone. About 4AM in the morning I contacted Joseph Nussbaum of Second Life using his FB account, we had planned to meet on this morning to begin filming a new project. It was still dark in the neighbourhood with no progress outside or any work teams in the area from what little I could gander. I feared that power would be out much longer than expected. Joe is East coast and responded in the hour. By 7AM weary from the constant dark I managed to get up and dressed with the aid of my trusty flashlight realizing that without power to recharge anything I would be totally dead in the dark soon enough. Coffee and a warm place to sit were at the top of the list. Not a soul up and down the street had a light on as I slowly rode my bike to comfort but alas, the Starbucks shop had no sit down interior, just windows, drat! Spurred on by these events I went into super drive and wheeled over to the DMV to renew a license and back to the 102 where I managed to find and join the East Portland Recreational and Community Centre. Touring the halls amid Families, seniors, Meals on Wheels, Workouts, Zumba, and the Pool! It was almost noon now I hoped the time spent away from home was enough . . . by the time my bike pulled down my street I saw pretty much the same, but wait! A porch light! . . . and then another! Delighted my spirit renewed I took stock of confusion left by the darkness and made a good effort to right the messes. Debby asks “What do you wish for this Christmas in Second Life?” I wish not for myself but for all the wonderful members, residents, workers, administrators, artists, employers, builders, architects, scripters, lovers, singles, children, furries. Everyone! I wish you the best and may your days be rich and rewarding this coming year. For myself . . . after much thought . . . free land, free prims for life, of course!!
Cali Karsin: My name is Cali Karsin, and I am the Co-Publisher & Editor-in-Chief of Cultured The Magazine inside Second Life, and for Christmas, I wish the best for my staff, readers, family and friends, may they get all the love, family, food, and care they desire. I also wish to send my condolences and love/support to those who are not fortunate enough to be with loved ones/certain loved ones this year, may they be there in spirit. I wish to raise a lot of money for Toys For Tots this year, and I wish for good health on all of my family and friends. I wish for more smiling faces to be reading Cultured The Magazine. That is all. I am so fortunate for this spectacular year, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Calina Kestentine: Hmm good question! I think I'd love a gift card to Miamai, though, always a safe bet
Caoimhe Lionheart: At times, we all pour out our misery in Second Life, whether it’s sharing with someone the adversity’s of our daily real world lives, or the misery some choose to inflict on others inworld. I hope our misery's would be more the former than the latter, but hate is a way of life for some. So my Christmas wish for Second Life is that I wish that no more lives would be torn apart, whether it’s the person whose real life is intolerable or the intentional inflictor, the Internet troll. I hope time will heal both of their hearts, and that they each find a friend whose love will stay warm in their hearts their entire lives because life should be lived without a hurting soul. This year I wish Second Life to be used for the good, the enrichment it can bring to every one of our lives and that our thoughts of love out number hate in each of us.
Christian Carlsson: Oh, that was a difficult question. I am not the kind of person that thinks ahead that far... I have what I need and what I don't have, I usually am able to get so; I rarely think of what others can get me. A donation to any of the many charities that are around in SL around Christmas would be the nicest thing I can think of.

Dely Morgain Muse: less bad people

Kennice Morrison: I dunno haven't really thought about it. Okay a nove beautiful story ordinary house. She makes the best homes in sl but we never got round to getting one.
Lanai: My Christmas wish besides shoes (a girl can never have enough) is that all who observe the holidays is surrounded by love, peace and happiness. One of my greatest joys is to surround myself with positive people in both RL and SL. People who are selfless and do great things for the good of the real world and Second Life community. It is a gift that keeps giving all year round.
Pam Astonia: I would like to find a deserving newbie, and give her/him $L5000 and wish them a Merry Christmas. If it had to be something I would wish for, it would be 1500 more prims for my house. Lol!
Roman Godde: Hmm I really have everything I want in SL, Im happy where Sl has taken me, met my rl wife on sl, great friends family, notoriety for my blog and photography. So I think Ill take my wish and just tell Santa thank you, but next year I want a pony
Trin – Bubble Courtois: Hey Debbie !!! You know, I have no idea really... Nick has been away for a month so my main wish is just to have him back for Christmas, which I hopefully will. Wanted to have a big Christmas party for all our friends and family but ran out of prims to be able to decorate for it lol... Aside from that, and the obvious girly stuff like clothes, shoes and furniture, I don't think there is anything I specifically wish for, for Xmas lol. As long as I have my Nick with me and our son. I have everything I need.
Zahra Singh: Just in Second Life? I wish for more group space, more tattoo layers and more updates from Linden Lab regarding Second Life 2.0. I am excited to know when it will be released and what they will do with the current Second Life.
The same question was posted on my Facebook, here are the responses.

My wishes this Christmas was simply to have a Christmas tree with lots of presents. Thanks to friends and my employers, all came true by 22nd.of December, itself. On behalf of SL Enquirer, I wish everyone Merry Christmas!! May all your wishes come true, may your hearts be filled with hope and love forever. 

*Note: The order for list of names and their views are in alphabetical order. No order of preference has been assumed. Their views are kept as is except for spelling errors.

1 comment:

  1. Some wishes are a little more difficult to deliver than others -


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