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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

More Christmas Gifting Ideas for the Second Lifer- Ccoursey Reporting...

OMG!  It is that time again.  That time when we are boring ourselves on the marketplace looking through page after page of whatever seems the most relevant to the words we just happened to type.  It gets the job done, but it is so much more fun wandering around the stores checking out everything and picking up on ideas, more importantly catching the holiday sales... This is the thrill of shopping for Christmas! 

Here are just a few of my favorite shops and ideas.

7 SG, 7 Exits, Moolala, Pinup Girls of SL
For the special girl in your SL never forget clothes are wonderful.  You can never have enough clothes.  My favorite stores offer gift options or even gift cards.  7SG just put out a beautiful Mini Dress with a choice of 15 different huds, each hud coming with 6 color choices. 

  Moolala's Moobucks work the same as a gift card and Mandy has been known to throw stuff in if there is any balance left on card to make all happy.  Cry has stuff for women, pregnant women, and if you look around on the sim there is men's clothes as well as motorcycles for sale (one stop shopping).

Jewelry!  Who doesn't like a bit of bling?  JCNY has everything from personalized collars to wedding rings to show your loved one how much you care.  For those that do not have a lot of lindens this time of year, they even have a tree with free/dollarbie gifts underneath that are transferrable.  There's even less personal items such as bracelets and necklaces available.  Not to say you can't make them more personal with birthstone or engravings, but you don't have to worry about premature partnering ideas or your friend thinking you want more than you do. 

The Arcade
Gacha'ing we will go... Yes, December is one of the big months for gacha lovers.  The Arcade is back.  It has been around for a little over two years now, with over a hundred different designers participating in the gacha fest.  The great thing about gacha- Transferrable.  The only kicker here is that you don't get to choose what you buy, it is a matter of luck.  Each machine is set with a percentage on script, usually having a rare item that isn't passed out as much.  So you can pass extras or even sell if your trying for a certain one or to complete a collection.  But there's something there for everyone usually, so you can hit the machines and cover most of your friends.  For the animal lover- The Sugar Garden has holdable pugs, Boogers has cute little hamsters, or Aisling's Zak & Zoe pups.  The partner- Jewelry from Sweet Thing, hair from Spellbound, or even household items such as the Tarte Repurposed Collection.  There is everything from small complete avatars to reindeer to lead your sleigh.  It is a wonderful stop to hit so that you can start checking off the Christmas list.  You can find everything offered at this site before stopping by:  

 X-clusives Animations

            Looking for something a bit more extreme for that friend or lover?  X-Clusive Animations has the more exotic offering of second life like a sex cycle three wheeler, a kinky bunny, or even the hidden shelf with couples animations.  They also have outdoor decorations, beds, and dances available.  Always check if the item is transferrable or check out the gift cards and don't forget their sales.  This Holiday season they have all gift cards buy one get one free.  Be sure to take your time to check out the store, because there are lots of options and huge variety.  

Have fun shopping and Merry Christmas.


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