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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

An Evening of Truth with Leesa Donner- Ccoursey reporting...

Leesa Donner is a professional model in Second Life, she is also a business owner of Anchor and Compass Pub and Truthballs. The Truthball is what you see set out at parties and clubs. When someone clicks on it it asks in nearby chat a preloaded question.  Questions can be Adult or even PG, depending on what kind are loaded by the owner.  They are a great icebreaker and a fun way of keeping the nearby chat flowing in clubs.  I stopped by to look at the store and Leesa's newest edition of Statue Truthballs. The statueTruthballs are meant to be a more artistic edition for people who didn't just want the balls sitting around.
 There are many different types, including seasonal, the basic truthballs, and now the BDSM Statues.

I was pleased to see Leesa showed up while I was there checking them out.    

Ccoursey:  How did you come up with the idea behind the Truthball?

Leesa Donner:  Well, one of my best friends and I were wondering around SL and there was a tiny, very crappy Truth or Dare game with about 25 questions inside.  The game did not work well, but the basic concept I liked so decided to make a better one.  One that did not repeat the questions, did not jam, and one that had good content and looked nice.  We have way more content than anyone and our content is good.... You can pick whatever mood suits you.  So I partnered with friends to help me build it, a programmer and an object creator. 

Ccoursey:  Do you come up with new questions on a regular basis? So they can be added to the ones already bought?

Leesa Donner:  I did a lot in the beginning, and then I partnered with customers who now are part of my guest writer program... So they make 50% of all sales of their questions... But we have to approve the questions for quality.  The balls hold up to 32 sets and we offer over 50 sets total in every topic you can imagine...  I have had some health issues over the last three years and I am better now so I am refocusing to make Truthball even better and add new content.

Ccoursey:  Do your friends (the programmer and object creator) still help you as well? 

Leesa Donner:  Yes... My relationship with the programmer is on going as needed... And my original artist is Torus Heliosense and I have a new artist helping now who is Jhan Lionheart (andrejohan).  Torus is on doing a lot of new products for his own business but we are still business partners on Truthball as he made all my other content.

Ccoursey:  Do you plan to keep your focus on Truthball or do you have other plans in the future?  I have been looking at the Truth Statues, your newest editions.

Leesa Donner:  Yes, these are brand new.  We are planning more.  Johan will be adding to these as RL permits.  We will make more modest ones.
We guarantee product satisfaction and we can create custom gifts for the Holidays... Customers would need to contact me and drop a note card with their requests.  These make great gifts.  They break the ice in SL and get folks talking.  We think it is a great addition to SL.

Ccousey:  When you say custom, if I had an object I would like to make into a Truthball would it be possible?

Leesa Donner:  Mostly yes, it would depend on the object... If the object is easy enough to drop the code and questions in and it is mod., sure.  We could test it out or, you can pick one of these objects and customize the sets inside.  That is mostly what I meant but other objects can work too.  So if you wanted a more PG ball, we would pick out those sets.
My friends have played for over 4 hours and not made a dent in the questions.  There are over 50 sets of 50 questions per set.  No one else comes close or lets you control the content you want.
By the way, I use my proceeds to support a venue and live music.

Ccoursey: Thank you so much Leesa for taking time out for us and bringing the Truthball to SL.  We'll leave on the note on Leesa's note which I thought was more than fitting consider the Truthball's start and what it is used for now:  "Truthball is a labor of love, friendship, and community."

Leesa has a store set up at Couture Boulevard- ,

There is a lot to the Truthballs. 

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