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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Party Like You're Beating Cancer- Stacey Cardalines Reporting…

Hi, everyone. I apologize for shutting down the Sports and Leisure desk for so long, but I got heavily into tennis. If you are making a living as a SL tennis hustler, it's hard to go back to online media. I also wanted to get Homeland Security off my ass, as I was the SL Enquirer reporter who was covering the Arab Spring when the CIA was making avatars and investigating SL looking for terrorists. I did some lay-low time, and now I'm back to take a few more scalps. It's good to be back, too.

One of the reasons it is good to be back is that I get to help out charities, like the Relay For life people.

The Relay For Life is a community based fundraising effort for the American Cancer Society. It is their most successful fundraiser, and is their signature event. There are over 5000 RFL taking place across 20 countries, and they make a ridiculous (I hear "five billion" a lot when I research) amount of money for the cause.

SL has charitable minded people, such as the SLCS, aka the Second Life Cheerleader Squad. The SLCS has been working with RFL since I knew them, and they were my first assignment at this paper back in 2009 or so. I'm technically a member of the squad, although I'm too clumsy to do cheers and am actually better suited towards wrestling or football. 

As you might imagine, their principal job is to train cheerleaders and them have them cheer at events. When there are no events to cheer for, they organize their own events, like RFL fundraisers. They do one almost every month, and have raised thousands and I might even guess tens of thousands of L$ for the cause.

I was at their party last night. It was an all-day event with about 12 hours of different musical guests. I should have published a note earlier and got them some publicity, but, like I said, I've been really into tennis lately. 
I'll eliminate that error right now. Their next event is October 26th, and we'll have a full listing of events soon enough.

For now, you can visit the Relay For Life page at You can also find out more about SL charity by checking out the Cheertopia Cheerleading Arena. You can find that by doing a search on SL... Crikey, you people think I'm here to provide information or links or directions and stuff!

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