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Sunday, September 28, 2014

AVIE POLL: Do you have the Spark?- Debby Sharma Reporting...

“I wake up in the morning, Think I have been dreaming”, a line that I think is appropriate from my handbook of poems, written by me. The virtual world is an escape for some and a life for others. But it is a dream for all of us.  How many of us wake up smiling, thinking about the other wonderful life we have? Few among us walk the virtual worlds holding hands and partnered for a long time. One year of virtual relationship is considered a long time in world. This time I walked through the worlds to search for such couples who have made it more than a year. For most of us, we lose the spark as the days pass by. And few still continue through their ups and downs holding each other’s hands. So what is it that keeps the spark alive? 

Most of the time I ask a few questions, but this time my question was generic, i.e., only one for all the three couples I met. “What are the things you do together to be still bonded in love?” Instead of a question answer format, this time, I observed the couples. It is said that a picture speaks louder than words, I have tried to make a collage from their snapshots, consisting of activities they have been doing together over the past few years.

Image Credits: Valeria and Nestor Feiri’ Facebook photographs

Valeria and Nestor Feiri

Valeria and Nestor Feiri have been together since 2009. The first time I saw the pictures of this couple was in a Facebook group “The world of Zooby’s”. Since then, I have always noticed the strong bond that they share.

Valeria says, “Our relationship is based on honesty, dialogue, trust and respect for the other part. It’s a kind of mix, close friendship and love. We have a lot of things in common and for the other side, we complement each other. We have good communication. We know our likes and dislikes and how could the other react and sometimes I know what he’s going to say even before he does. When we have a problem, we try solving it by talking to each other. We try to do things that amuse us and have a good time. We try to get new experiences or new goals that we can enjoy together to avoid falling into the routine, enriching our experiences together.”

As I said, a picture speaks louder than words. One may see that it is true that they love to do things together. They are seen to be roleplaying the characters of “Avatar”, the movie; celebrating Christmas together as Santa; having fun with friends and having two babies (Zooby’s) to complete their family. They love to have candle light dinners, dance with each other at elegant balls and also have a home with kids, pets and a farm.

Image Credits: Bianca and Walter Gedenspire’ Facebook photographs

Bianca and Walter Gedenspire

Bianca and Walter Gedenspire  have been going strong and will complete two years in coming December. I was introduced to Bianca by Shamas Maximus for an article I had to write on arts. Since, then she has been a good friend and I had admired the relationship, she shares with Walter.

Bianca laughs and says, “Never thought I would be asked advice on this. We are busy all the time. We both have our own interests and combined. I think consistency is our key. Every morning Walter sends me a little private note to wake up with. Every night we always tuck each other in. So, I guess, starting the day together with a little note and always ending together. We very rarely miss this. Only natural disasters have stopped it once or twice”, she laughs and says, “We have never argued. Walter has a few friends that are not fond of me. I have a few that feel the same of him. We do not stop the other from having those friendships. I think it is important in the beginning setting ground rules of what you expect from the relationship. What you are willing to give as well. For example, I will not pose with another model. Walter poses only for me”. She pauses a while and then says, “I can honestly say every time I see him log on I still get butterflies.”

In the picture above, one can see that they both like to be in each other’s arms all the time. It does not matter what activities they do, you will always see them together. For SL11B, I had asked Bianca to help me click a few snapshots among other photographers to prepare the SL11B Guide, she came with Walter. They play sports, role play or visit any event together.  She says, “If we are not working on shoots, we are event hopping. There is always so much going on in SL, we have a hard time fitting it all in. We have SL property in Paris, Berlin, Mainland next to East Gallery and a little plot of land we work on. We always have projects. One night when it was slow we even tried making hats. Shopping, Oh my God! the shopping. Our favourite thing is to support our friends and family in SL, be it designers, artists and dancers. We do not judge and enjoy all the good we see in people we meet.”

Image Credits: Kennice and Christian Carlsson’ profile and Facebook photographs

Kennice and Chiristian Carlsson

Kennice and Christian are completing their four year relationship in coming February, the 4th
They are owners and founding members of The Torch: Entertainment Guide. I have been working for them since last year. They are one of the coolest employers. They have achieved much together. The Torch: Entertainment Guide was voted to be one of the top five for the UK Blog Awards last year. They are a team of eleven members currently and are the supporters of Relay for Life. They have a team called the Ryukyu Torch Warriors. At weekly meetings, we would all talk about the week ahead. There are also times at the meeting when Kennice would be giggling and Chirstian would be like hush hush.

When asked of the activities they do together, Kennice says, “Play games like Forsaken world, work on The Torch and just hang out together. We met at The Shelter in Second Life. We also like to go to the Isle of Dee, to role play. It is a medieval role playing sim. We love to hang out with each other. We work on projects together and it helps that we were friends first”. The collage formed out of the pictures taken from their profiles in Second Life, also suggests the same. She says, “Have fun, do not worry about the future. Just enjoy now”.
Apart from the magazine work, they also have babies and a family. Like Kennice said, they like to hang out with friends.

One of my real life friends said, “Life just goes on, Love is there as it was when we first met.” If there was a spark, it would still be there. We just have to find the things we love to do together. And most importantly, have a family and friends, as they complete us in every world. 

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