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Monday, September 29, 2014

Avatars on top: How does Second Life empower you? Bimala Tagore Reporting…

How does SL empower you? How does this virtual world provides you resources, opportunities and personal growth motivation? Do you think SL has permitted you to create an environment where you can realize activities that expand awareness and identity, enhance talents and contribute to the realization of visions and desires?
We are talking about any kind of growth whether daring shows, fashion magazines, unexplored business, boundless love, discovering your hidden talents, etc. Empowerment in SL includes a background which holds opportunities for reaching any kind of goals.
La Freese, Sagia, Subtlety Dalglish, Eugenia Calderon and Nino de Amore were recently interviewed about this topic. It is so inspiring to appreciate how they spread their interest, thoughts and inspirations with dedication and commitment.

Eugenia Calderon: Devoted professor

Bimala: I appreciate people around the world who defend their own cultural values. Many times when we expose to foreigners cultures you can damage you own identity. Eugenia Calderon (2008) protects her Mexican roots with wisdom and dedication. She is Spanish language professor and commitment on to impart education that promotes Mexican culture in Second Life.

Eugenia:  “Second Life empowers me because it has allowed me to develop both personally and professionally and of course it has allowed me to get money at the same time.  I mean, I have had the opportunity to meet wonderful people from around the world. I have learned a lot from them, not only on how to seeing life but also on professional issues. Many wonderful teachers have given me several ideas to improve my work. In addition, SL has given me a new way to develop professionally and to evolve as a Spanish teacher. It was a big challenge to access new technologies for teaching languages. I'm not a digital native as young now, so make use of the internet, virtual worlds and social networks has not been easy. But I'm learning and that's great.”

Subtlety Dalglish: passionate poet

Bimala: Subtlety Dalglish (2008) is provocative and maybe she ignores this inner clout, because she always incites a certain intense reaction in some of her writings. Her style reveals not only intelligence but it is also exciting eroticism. Her poetry is very intense, deeply suggestive and constantly recreates imaginary natural exotic ambience.

Subtlety: “I truly do not feel I am empowered with any special ability.  I feel and believe that I am an ordinary person who loves doing a variety of things on Second life that any number of persons can accomplish or have accomplished. I love to create poetry and short stories; I love to sing; I love to decorate houses and recreate them from their original state into something that I love even more.   I have even built a few houses of my on Second Life, but not to sell, they are for my own personal usage only. I also try my hand at building furniture every now and then. It is tedious but can be very enjoyable.  I taught myself how to terraform my land, which is very amusing.   At the present time, my sim resembles a tropical island.  And yes, I can draw/sketch, but have not done so in many years. So i suppose it is safe to say, that Second Life has empowered me in many areas of my existence therein.

La Freese: noob Guru, music promoter and eternal friend

Bimala: Through my eyes she is live music warrior. This woman is always  dancing in her club. La Freese’s venue holding its own in fierce competition in the world of entertainment in SL with bravery and audacity.  She has the capability to have patience and tolerate any noob without losing her cool. 
La Freese: I am inspired by all the wonderful creative people do in sl. I mentor singers, djs   and  others to   do what they wish to do in SL. I also enjoy helping all newbies, because if you enter to SL knowing you are appreciated, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with. But overall music is my passion. I darling all  types of music  as music is talks to the heart or it parleys to my heart,  with   stories of my life good and bad  and  future wishes. It lifts the mood and spirit. I am known  for  full theme  decorated   shows that  not only  try to put you   in the mood for the music  but    adds  to   the visual  senses.  

Sagia Monroe: biosphere of mode

Bimala: Sagia (2008) is behind the scenes of good show events with impressive clothes designers, stunning models and professional editors. She reflexively surrounds herself with elegance and luxury.

Sagia: “Second Life empowers me to bring joy and fun to others who have come to Second Life to get away from the stresses of real life.  This is done by my tribute shows in my Swinging with Sagia Group and Show Style Entertainment.
In my heart I care much for people and in Second Life I am also able to give others opportunities in which they cannot get in real life.  For instance, I am a fashion show director and co-owner of a modeling agency.  So many love this opportunity so I teach them how to model and they rock the runway in elegance and style.   Reputation is very important, so Second Life empowers me to try and elevate its culture.”

Nino de Amore: Capone vocalist

Bimala: The lights dim, the music begins to play and I fly to the moon with Nino de Amore (2010). This man owns an Italian swing. I'm thoroughly impressed with what he does in every performance. He seduces women by building charisma. His voice pays tribute to the seductive Italian singer and his chorus will absolutely melt your heart.

Nino: “I am the same person in both worlds. I sing any kind of good Jazz, Big Band tunes, Blues, Bocelli, DMartin and Sinatra. “I drank music from the bottle”. Music is expressively attractive to me and I can't pretend I'm someone else here”, confesses Nino with his raspy sexy voice.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Bimala for your kind words. I feel honored that you mentioned me in your newspaper article.


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