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Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11: A Tragic Moment in Modern US history that rocked the world, Remembered. Mikile Vinciolo reporting…

One of the most common questions that is asked during the anniversary of 9/11 is: "What were you doing throughout the attacks on the twin towers"?
 I can remember that I was in my first level high school English class during the time we got wind that this tragedy had befallen us, the United States of America, the greatest nation this side of the hemisphere. I had watched the televised misfortune reiterated as the news detailed the events of this day. I can remember thinking that I was watching a hoax on the television or at least the forecast of what could happen to this “great” nation if things were to turn sour with one of our enemies.
 I was not convinced that this impenetrable and invulnerable country had succumbed to the attack of suicide bombers. I was not convinced until I had watch the day reenacted over an extended period of time on several major and minor news networks. Frankly, I was not saddened by the occurrence but rather given to fright. I was, as most Americans uncertain of the security of our nation anymore.
 I was sure that this one attack had opened the floodgates to a succession of more attacks that would soon have us going into a future filled with violence and war against the Middle East.
 I could no longer see a future beyond so bright, one filled with dreams of happiness, world peace and harmony.
After sometime had passed along with the sensation of uncertainty from the disaster, there crept the feeling of hope for the country and world with the passing of each anniversary that we commemorated the passing of many civilians that were thrown into the throes of death, and of the heroes that risked their lives trying to secure the well-being of the country during the attacks.
To this day, we relive the deaths, the sentiments associated at with 9/11, and with the memory of what we were doing during that moment our thinking and emotion were altered forever.
To help immortalize this surreal moment, further solidifying the reality that was, Aero Pines Park Fire & Rescue has established a 9/11 Stairclimb Tribute to Fallen Firefighters as a form of remembrance of the brave men and women that endured the toil of this tragic day.
 The memorial will open for the climb on the 9th of Sept. and remain open until the 14th. To aide in taking on the feelings and bravery that had to exist within the hearts of the Fallen Ones, the creator of this artful memorial has also provide at the base of the stairs, a vendor of uniforms for a complete experience.
Stagg Island has so gracious created a beautiful Memorial wall that honors all that have fallen during this time and remains open year round, and around the clock. This wall can be a vessel to carry messages of love to not only the lost spirits of 9/11, but to those souls that have been taken from their survived love ones.
Pitfall will host an Emergency Services memorial event to honor the day of 9/11. There will be music played by DJ Cherry starting at 2PM on that day.
And last, but not least New York New York Premier Dance club will be honoring the day with a 2 hour tribute concert starting at 7PM with sounds from talents like Alicia Keys and John Lennon, to name a few.

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