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Sunday, August 31, 2014

I Could’ve Danced All Night and Still Have Begged for More - Ccoursey reporting….

Ballrooms and Second Life should always have two things:  Romantic music and formal clothing.  I don't care how fancy the dance is, if someone is wearing biker gear it isn't the same.  Let's face it... Every girl needs the chance to dress up in Second Life and feel like the Princess she is.  There should be an atmosphere to offer the opportunity for a proposal, for a first date, or even just that 'I want you to know you're special' date.  Here are a few places to take that important someone...
The Waterfall Ballroom
The Waterfall Ballroom, just seems to be a ballroom in a waterfall when you first land.  It isn't.  The ballroom is beautiful, hidden behind the flowing water, the sim itself is gorgeous.  Bringing a date here would be perfect, with a romantic carriage ride, a stroll through the gardens, and feeding the swans.  For the more adventurous among us there is a Volcano venue, underwater caves, the opportunity to ride a manta ray or even Nessie, and everywhere you look there is something different to explore.  This ballroom and sim offer romantic dancing, music, and atmosphere, but it also has the opportunity for hours of entertainment.  I've already been back several times exploring since I found it, and will not include everything because it would ruin the surprise...  Let's just say there is a bit of everything from the magical to the more expected for romance.  The creator has put time and effort into the sim and it shows, it is a wonderful experience.  This sim is rated G.
Ballroom in the clouds
 Ballroom in the Clouds is a bit different.  Walking in you think small, but it is intimate.  If you look to the side of the floor, there is a board you touch to dance among the clouds.   It is quieter, with less going on allowing you to focus on your date.  With romantic tables set up around the sides of the dance floor and a Greek feel.  There are more dances here than I've seen in most ballrooms and it is also has a moderate rating.  The music is more upbeat each time I've came, giving you the faster paced love songs. It is a great place to get to know someone.

Cloud Dancers   
 I've known Cloud Dancers longer than any other ballroom.  It is an open space where you dance with your lover among the stars and clouds.  It has a beautiful background, the dances are all for lovers, there are no singles dances that I've seen, and the music is always romantic.  They offer an inviting atmosphere that welcomes lovers, encourages you to fall in love even.  I've never been able to pinpoint whether it was dancing on thin air or if it's that person I go with, but the place has a magical feel to it worth that is experiencing.  This ballroom has a set of rules, nothing outrageous, that are posted everywhere and dropped on you once you arrive.  It is a comfortable environment where as soon as you arrive you are made to feel welcome.

Sweethearts Ballroom & Social Dance Club     
 Sweethearts is unlike other ballrooms I have been to, it has more of a club feel.  It takes the pressure off the romance, but still has the feel without pushing it on you.  There is always a hostess on duty, they greet each person that graces the floor.  There always seems to be an active crowd here, keeping conversation active and going in local.  It's a beautiful set up with more chances to socialize and meet that special someone.  It includes singles and couples dances, allowing you a chance to hit the ballroom and actually meet someone on the floor rather than wait until you've already met them.  There's an opportunity for shopping on the sim, plus Sweethearts is known for its popular Miss Sweethearts competition... Great place to hang out with or without your lover.

Bogart's Jazz Club  

  I don't think anyone could do a proper ballroom article without mentioning Bogart's Jazz Club.  Set up to remind you of the time of Prohibition, crossed with the rat pack it is a well-known landmark in any SLer's favourite’s folder.  The dances are great, the atmosphere is set up to promote romance, and it is a beautiful place just to sit and relax.  The hosts/hostesses always greet with Miss, Mrs, or Sir, and most times there is a live dj in attendance.  I've been lucky enough to catch a live performance or two in the early morning, which is always enjoyable.  Rezzing in on an old fashion street, you walk into a big club set up which is smaller inside with wooden floors and a red carpet, you are greeted when you hit the floor, and if you require any kind of assistance they are quick to help.  There are plenty of places to sit whether by yourself, with a loved one, or in a group. If you don't wish to dance there's room on the side for socializing.  For your special someone, you'll find that outside the ballroom they've set up a cart with bouquets, roses, and other knick-knacks to add that one of a kind touch to your night.  It is a great place, there is good reason it holds a special place in our hearts.

1 comment:

  1. Sweethearts Ballroom has changed locations. New Location- New look and everything


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