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Monday, August 18, 2014

Are you a New Performer? Here is how to Book an Event in Second Life - Piers Diesel Reporting

In Second Life, activities happen daily. Many avatars like to attend events such as live music performances or DJ parties. These events help venue owners pay their tiers as well as help performers and DJ’s share and generate Lindens for their talent. This sharing of resources is what makes it possible for many venues to continue operation as well as keep entertainment active in Second Life.

New Musicians and DJs don’t necessarily need their own venue to book an event. Rather than stay mobile at one venue, it is best to perform across the grid at different places.  
If you are new to the booking process, here are tips that can help you get started.

All performers and DJs should have a manager. This will be a tremendous help in organizing gigs and inviting new fans to your fan group. Choose a manager that already has experience and connections on the grid.
Booking managers and performers should have a working relationship with various locations that offer a stage or DJ booth and already have an established presence on the grid.
This option makes booking an event an easy and costs efficient process since it eliminates tier fees for the performer and lets them focus more on their talent.

Choosing your venues and creating relationships with their owners is an important first step. Established venues are the best ones to look for. Chances are they have experience in generating traffic as well as a larger following in their in-world groups. This is useful when advertising your event to the masses.
Once you have picked your venues and the owner has agreed to book your act, you will need to discuss recurring schedule slots, times and pay if this is going to be a permanent position.

Once you have decided on venues, the next step will be working out availability and time slots with the venue owner. Keep in mind what will work best with both your time zones.
Once times have been confirmed, discussing payment will be next. If you chose a venue that uses the “tips only” method, this option will need to be made clear before any agreements are made.  The popular option is usually, the venue owner paying the performer’s fee. Payments should also be made by venue owners before the performance to ensure the performer that there are no surprises at the end.
 Refunds should only be issued if a service has not been provided due to real life or scheduling errors.

Now this may sound silly in Second Life but having a contract with a venue or a performer not only offers each parties security but also sets out what each party understands about the booking and has agreed with the booking too. So make sure that each party has a copy. Make the note card non-mod and that both parties completely agree with what has been written.

Once all has been confirmed, paid for and both parties are happy with the agreement, then next thing would be to promote the event.  Both performers and venues should have a group so both parties are able to advertise the event.   Advertising an event can also be done by the usual Second Life’s events page, other world-groups both parties have access to, social media outlets and of course the SL Enquirer.  Remember, the more sources used the better outcome you will have.

If your event was a success, you may want to look into booking regular slots at that venue. 

Don’t let booking event be a daunting task. If you are confident in yourself and your talent, word will get around and venue owners will seek you out. Just make sure you have your promotional tools in place, a following, available and on time.

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