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Friday, August 1, 2014

Spotlight On Sue Peregrine, Owner & Operator of d'Alliez Estates - Jessii2009 Warrhol Reporting

I was introduced to Sue Peregrine, Owner & Operator of d'Alliez Estates, by a good friend of mine, johannes1977 Resident or John as we all call him. Sue has generously provided a sim for usage throughout the 2014 Relay For Life Season, for all teams of relay to use for fundraisers and events. I learned that Sue was an avid relayer and a member of the storied Relay Rockers relay team. I was able to catch up with Sue for an interview:

JESSI: So tell us about d'Alliez estates. How long has the business existed in Second Life? Who started it and why?
SUE: dAlliez is in it's 10th year of land rentals in Second Life. It all started with one sim, Rue dAlliez, then a French themed market sim. Rue was also the home to La Vie en Rose, one of the first clubs in SL. The renewed build of the club is still used for Estate events.

The estate was started by Alliez Mysterio and her then business partner, Tony Beckett. Once people saw Rue, they also wanted to rent from Alliez and Tony. That is how the estate started to grow to what is now 130+ sims.

JESSI:  Wow over 130 sims, that's alot! What sets d'Alliez estates apart from other Second Life Estate agents?

SUE:  I like to think it's our Customer Service and caring. We strive to have someone on 24/7 to help our residents. If for some reason no one is on, all of us have our IMs go to email, and respond as soon as we can. 

We also care about our residents. If their rent will be late, and they let us know, we try to work with them. Back when Katrina hit, I remember Alliez carrying some of our residents for over a month until they were back on their feet. What's even more telling, is that every single person made up the arrears. Forced the Lindens on her when she tried to refuse them.  

JESSI: It is always great to see a business in SL that takes care of it's customers, particularly a land rental business. Does d'Alliez Estates offer any special land packages or provide entertainment for residents?
SUE: We don't run any specials as we've found it confuses people. However, the more land in the same sim you rent, after a certain level the price per prim goes down.

We rent small parcels to full sims, Homestead and Full sim land. We also have a few sims reserved just for people with breedables. As far as entertainment, we currently hold events on the ground level of our Headquarters sim and in the club in Rue.

dAlliez is also currently sponsoring a sim where the various Relay for Life teams can hold up to sim wide events for their fundraising.

With the recent announcement about gaming in SL, I am considering whether or not to open a few sims to that end.

JESSI:  I know that d'Alliez Estates is celebrating their 10th year in Second Life. Any other milestones or huge announcements you wish to share?
SUE: A huge one is the passing of Alliez. She passed away the end of last year from undiagnosed breast cancer. She left the estate to me, her RL daughter. It's been a crazy nine months for sure!

JESSI: I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your rl mother, Alliez. While I was not fortunate to meet her, I have been told that she had such a positive presence in Second Life. So how long have you been in Second Life?
SUE: Over 10 years now! 4/23/04 is my rez date. 

JESSI:  Wow that is a very long time! 2. Why did you join Second Life?
SUE:  To try new and interesting things.

JESSI: What are some of the strangest things you have experienced or seen in Second Life?
SUE: These are too numerous to even get into after 10 years, LOL!  Many I can't even talk about as that would violate our policy of not discussing our residents.. Then there was the time I was griefed by a giant bee that left behind huge piles of...well something LOL!

JESSI: LOL! How was that bee sting? Other than being a great estates owner in Second Life, what are some of the other things you wlike to do while you are in Second Life?
SUE:  I love the live music scene in SL. Whenever I can sneak away from estate duties that's usually where you will find me.  I love helping new people, helping them get to the point where they can do for themselves in SL. I also enjoy getting together with old friends and making new ones. Most of all, I love getting together with our fantastic residents on a social basis! 

JESSI: If you were the CEO of Linden Labs for one day, what are 3 things you would change about Second Life?
1. Put a team that knows what they are doing on the group chat issue!
2. Put all Estates on the same level as far as our tier to LL goes, & lower tier in general.

3. Require that Marketplace merchants have an in world presence no matter how small. It would cut back on a lot of the current abuses.

You can find land information, including available properties from d'Alliez estates by visiting their official website or checking out their in world land office:

WEB LINKS:  -  Currently undergoing a revamp! For available land, please use the below SLurl

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