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Friday, July 11, 2014

Poll - Tell Us How You Feel About the New Virtual World From Linden Labs

I was standing around fishing in SL the other night and some of my fishing friends were talking about the upcoming virtual world from Linden Labs, maker of SL. In case you have missed this huge announcement, Linden Labs' CEO announced that a new virtual world is in the works. Much is still to be unknown about this virtual world, but there will be no backwards compatibility or open source access.

There numerous blogs and stories about this announcement and the Firestorm viewer team recently sat down with two Linden Lab employees to talk about this new virtual world. You can view the video clips here.

As a casual builder and one who loves to make things, I for one was somewhat wary of not being able to take items from SL to this new virtual world, as I would have to make everything all over again, not to mention pay the upload fees and essentially start over.

Many of my fishing friends felt the same way about this upcoming new world and I am sure many of you feel the same way. So let's get your thoughts out there. Below is a quick poll to see how all of The SLE readers feel about the upcoming new world for SL. In about a week I will do a follow up, with the poll results announced. Thanks for your feedback!


  1. Massively leading questions, clearly designed to incite negativity towards LL and Second Life.
    Well done...

  2. Thank you for your comment, of course being anonymous you are able to make such misleading statements, but you are entitled to your opinion as I am entitled to mine. The response has been mostly positive and it is up to the media to solicit feedback from it's readers on just about any particular topic around, including Second Life and Linden Labs.


Comments will be reviewed and posted within 24 hours. Please note any abusive content or outside promotional links may not be approved.