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Friday, July 11, 2014

Media Spotlight on Pamela Alectoris, Host of the Pamela Live Show. Sunny Love Holiday Reporting

A successful talk show must have a host that has charisma, the ability to be entertaining, and an overall warm and welcoming spirit. 

Pamela Alectoris, Host of the Pamela Live Show defiantly has all that and more. This talk show, which starts at 4pm slt every Sunday night, has showcased a vast amount of Second Life business, musical talents and places to experience different cultures, all with an entertaining yet educational factor that leave it audience fulfilled in each way.

I was recently was invited to join Pamela and her staff for an exclusive tour of the shows studio, and was overwhelmed by her warmth, and uncanny ability to make me feel right at home. A skill, I am sure, helps her otherwise scared of the stage guests feel more comfortable during their interview.  It was a pure pleasure to be able to turn the tables on this skilled interviewer, and ask her a few questions of my own.

Interview with Pamela Alectoris:

Sunny: Hello Pamela, thank you for invited me to your set of The Pamela Live show. Your show is a great way for people to learn all the latest and greatest happenings in SL. Can you tell our readers a little about how this great show came about?

 Pamela: I met a man here in sl named Seamack. We were just friends that could talk about almost anything, and agree to disagree if it was necessary. He is a genius.  I think with a lot of imagination and putting things together, he came up with a talk show and asked me to be the hostess. I did not see it and refused, but he said I was the woman for the job because I could talk about anything without making people feel judge. It took almost a month for him to convince me, but that is where it started.  He convinced another man here named Nubian Keng to produce it on his sim. They both made a set, and surprised me with the show named after me. Between a lot of meetings about how we wanted to set it up, on April 21, 2013 "Pamela Live Show" began.
Sunny: I love how your show is a whole experience. Not only does the shows audience experience the live talk show atmosphere but your guest does as well with the green room pampering experience. You must have a talented team helping you out. Care to share who they are?

 Pamela: Oh yes, from day one it was was Carrie Rainforest and Sagicentauria Greymoon helping me. They sat thru the initial meetings, then Joise Wells, Angel Silvercloud,  zenovka Boudicca, Gemini Swords and  Dogseal Greybeard. Some have gone on to other ventures here in sl, but if I need them because I’m short…..they usually will come. They are great and don’t mind working where it is needed. I got to give a shout out to Josie Wells. She has left us to pursue her dreams.  She has been a rock of mine, and I wish her much success.

Sunny: What, would you say, was your most awkward moment on your show?

 Pamela: When I had the first Father’s Day show, I booked a woman band, and brothel owner. I booked other guests but something happen and they did not show up. So the brothel owner (by the way her place was simply beautiful) had a little more time to talk, it was a very good conversation but lol a little raw, she had a poem that was very explicit. Unfortunately, some of the women were offended.  I , on the other hand, i thought it was just a very sexy poem. But nevertheless, I could feel them, and of course some told me lol. But my response was what I always say when something is not wrapped really pretty "THIS IS SL and SL REPRESENT SOME OF EVERYTHING".
Even though that statement is true, I do ask the guest to keep it friendly and not too raw.
The show is all about what is here in sl and what the people are making of it.

Sunny: What do you enjoy most about doing The Pamela Live show?

Pamela:Simply meeting people, and hopefully to be a help to them. I like getting the word out of what they are doing and to help get their business and talents grow. I really enjoy educating people of new things in SL.

Sunny: Who would be your dream guest?

Pamela: Wow.  I have had so many awesome guests, but to put the icing on the cake would be for one the linden people to come to the show.

Sunny: Not everyone can handle the pressure of a live talk show. Have you had may guest shy away from talking? And if so how did you pull a great interview out of them?

Pamela: Yes, many guest are soo nervous, but I have had a few I had to pull it {the answers] out of them lol like they we more than a one word answer lol, Most times my staff try to calm them, if that don’t work I kinda say some things and laugh about it, then talk for them lol, but so far we pull it off.

Sunny: If someone wanted to be a guest on your show, what should they do?

Pamela: Usually we are booked for two months at a time, but we have been working on the new magazine INFINITY, but my schedule has not been completely filled for August. We will be introducing a few game shows, and having some LET'S TALK ABOUT IT sessions with guest and participation with the audience.

If someone wants to be on any of the shows, all they have to do is to leave their name on a notecard and tell me what they are interested in doing and one of my staff members or I will contact them

Sunny: This has been a wonderful evening. Thank you for the tour and for meeting with me. It has been a pleasure interviewing you.

Pamela: I was so WOWED when you contacted me, and very humbled at the same time having being recognized for something I love to do. I hope that all the SL Enquirer reaches even higher marks here in sl and rl.

Additional information:
All show times start at 4:00pm sl time on Sundays.

Upcoming shows and guest:
August 3,2014
1.JAAJAAMARIE PHILLY (Sim owner, builder, dj)
2.GRANNIE FAYE (Comedian, singer)

August 10,2014
1. Mr. & Mrs. Alaizjaiwind and Mjay
2. Dakota Aries (Singer)

August 17,2014
Maxx Sabertooth (Singer)

August 24,2014
Tune Smity (Game Show) Hosted by Cybercat Bekkers

August 31,2014
Satyriasis Sheryfee (Singer)

September 7,2014
1. Let's Talk About It (Subjects discussed with guest and the audience)



Calendar info

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