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Monday, June 9, 2014

Somebunny Cheetah; A Master of SL Trades- Mikile Vinciolo Reporting…

It is something to be a creative content creator in Second Life, but it is something else to be a Jane of all trades. Somebunny Cheetah has mastered a number of trades by  immersing herself in building, scripting, designing clothes, creating useful tools and  even DJ-ing.

These are just a few of her many skills. However, at the SL Enquirer she is known for her creative take on event invitations. I had the pleasure of seeing two of her amazing creations per Lanai Jarrico, who uses her services for SLE events.  Her work was love at first sight. I had never before seen innovation such as this in Second Life. It became my mission to discover who the creator of these magnificent conceptions were, and speak with her to find her source of inspiration.

I sat down Somebunny Cheetah, or simply Bunny to learn more about her and what she does in Second Life

As her name suggests, she is cute, adorable and a sweetheart, to say the least. Upon contacting her, initially, to schedule an interview, she was more than willing to lend her valuable time to give me the opportunity to enquire about her SL experience with my probing questions.
 I invited her out to a quaint cafĂ© to chit-chat about what it was like to be Bunny, and most of all, ask about her one-of-a kind invitations. She pulled up a sit, settled in, and I begin to interrogate this lovely resourceful goddess.

I began with the question of her uniqueness. By taking a mere look, I would peg her bunny ears and fluffy cottontail as being reflective of how unique she is-although I have come across other zoomorphic humanoids, I have yet to see a bunny/human hybrid. Her answers reflected on her seemingly kind nature as she cooed modestly, “[I] have been labeled the maker of fun.” She flashes a white smile at me as I sip my tea, absorbing her  aura. I get on with the rest of the interview before losing myself in her charismatic light.

Mikile Vinciolo: Tell me about your experience coming to the grid.

She looks at me as though she hopes to find an answer in my bright brown eyes, she begins her rant with a chuckle that contends with her innocuous disposition,
Bunny: Well, when I came to SL first off, I came from the game "There" and was used to the 2D flat looking avis. Upon coming here, I noticed how much more advanced this platform was in comparison. Looking back, I was an amazon and man how skins and hair have improved.  I was around when flexi hair came out it was exciting for noobs that started out as “baldies” with bald hair bases.

MV: What pushed you into the field of building and scripting?

Bunny: We [Chili and I] had linden land at first so everything had to be low prim. I wanted nice things that were low prim, so I just started to play with prims to make my own. I also wanted to bring in Lindens often, so I started off with baby furniture, and began to DJ, making tips. After sometime, I shifted my focus and then built my first wedding venue when Chili and I renewed our vows. The construction caught the attention of many people, which is how I got my start building for others; creating custom items for clients. I enjoy doing custom work the most- I can make others dreams come true.

MV: So, speaking of customization, let's talk about your unique invitations.

Bunny: Sure! What can I say, I do all different event invitations. I let people bring me their ideas and I put them together-I do 3D and wearable invites.

MV: Where did the ingenious idea come from?

Bunny: In retrospect, the first invite I did was for our Halloween party at the club, I wanted something unique we could all pass out for people to have that would visually inspire them to remember to come to the party.
The design was of two headstones with our names on it and a spider web with spider, and skeleton with hand coming out of the mound of dirt. There was a pop up component that had the invitation on it

MV: How tedious is the process of making your 3D invitations?

Bunny: depends on what it is, for some of the flower ideas it gets tedious with all of the prims. I, recently, did a cake that was over 300 prims due to sculpted flowers and trim.

MV: What was your very first invitation job?

Bunny:  It was for a party for a girl -who came to the club and saw the Halloween one- for a Thanksgiving party she was having, and so, that is where it went and there were a few weddings right at the same time. Things went into over drive rather quickly.

MV: Do you find yourself being contacted for your invitations rather than your other works?

Bunny: I would say they are my most known but, once they see what I can do and talk to me, they know I do a lot of other things.

MV: Do you have any plans to become the Hallmark of SL, and span out into making 3D greeting cards, as well?

Bunny: Hmmm! probably not, I would get bored with doing general things like that. I like the challenge of creating custom works.
I guess I work better under pressure.

MV: Where do you plan to go with your line of businesses in the next year? Do you still have plans to be a part of SL?

Bunny: Well, I am managing the Lucky Raven and Djin, and I have plans to start up doing my clothing line again, as I took a break for a while from that and did breedables. I have also had many contracts with different people in SL such as Touch of Class Weddings and Batista's resort. I have found that SL is my creative outlet, so no, I do not plan to leave anytime soon.

Visit Bunny at The Lucky Raven

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