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Sunday, June 1, 2014

RFL News: Hope Ball for National Cancer Survivors Day- Sunday June 1, 2014 1:30-4pm SLT

      ***Hope Ball***
   National Cancer Survivors Day
Sunday, June 1 
The Zen Garden, Two Moon Paradise


Hope Haven Heroes and Two Moon Paradise are delighted to invite you to the Hope Ball to celebrate survivors and caregivers on National Cancer Survivors Day.

The Hope Ball will feature music chosen by our DJ Aryon Dagger who is herself a two-time cancer survivor. Aryon will spin the discs from 1.30pm-3pm. 

We are honored that the SL musician Voodoo Shilton will give a live performance from 3pm.

On Sunday, June 1, 2014, cancer survivors across the globe will unite to show the world what life after cancer looks like. This unique celebration will mark the 27th annual National Cancer Survivors Day, Thousands of people in hundreds of communities across the U.S. and abroad - and in Second Life - will hold celebrations on this day to honor cancer survivors and to show that there is life after a cancer diagnosis – and it’s something to celebrate.

National Cancer Survivors Day is an annual worldwide Celebration of Life. It is the one day each year that we come together to honor everyone who is living with a history of cancer – including America’s 14 million cancer survivors. “A ‘survivor’ is anyone living with a history of cancer – from the moment of diagnosis through the remainder of life,” according to the National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation, administrator for the celebration.

NCSD provides an opportunity for cancer survivors to connect with other survivors, celebrate milestones, and recognize the healthcare providers, family, and friends who have supported them along the way. It is a day for cancer survivors to stand together and show the world what life after cancer looks like.

NCSD is recognized by the American Cancer Society. For more information go to:

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