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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Linda Lauren's Color Forecast™

Linda Lauren's Color Forecast™
Orange to help with thoughtfulness and ambition.
Embrace/Wear/Focus/Share! © 2014

Linda Lauren’s Color Forecast™ Explained:

As a 4th generation psychic medium and color consultant, one of my goals is to remind people that they have the personal power to make their days brighter.  I do it through teaching them to sense their aura’s reflection through the colors of the calendar, and how to use color to brighten the spirit and lighten the mood. Colors guide us to focus on what is most important. It can also tell a story so you can change the scene of any picture, so it can change something within you.

Over the years, I have learned that the key ingredient to “feeling” and creating personal positive energy is through our connection to color.  Every color plays a pivotal role in our energy field through our aura, and becomes not only a visual experience, but also an emotional one.  Color is the most important tool in our personal toolbox. How we use and understand color can mean the difference between whether we are healthy or sick, happy or sad, and even how we respond to situations.

What is it about colors that make someone feel differently? Are people more likely to be hungry in rooms with red walls? Are we more likely to be calm in blue surroundings or more apt to buy a product based on the boldness of attention grabbing colors like yellow?

My experience has taught me that there is a direct correlation between color applications as it relates to the spirit and human behavior.  For sighted people, color is a constant. It’s omnipresent. It’s everywhere.  However, most of us are so immune to color, that we don’t even realize how it influences us.  That is what The Positive Spin Color Forecast™ offers: a chance to understand color in order to embrace the spirit with joy and positive awareness.

To that end, I will be posting daily color forecasts as a heads up for the next day.  I ask that you share it so that your family and friends can also benefit.  I’ve created some very easy photos that display the message.  Feel free to focus or incorporate the colors into your day. Keep the color forecast card where you can see it

In order to understand the process:  I literally meditate on the day and the month, and I refer to the world map until I get a sense of one or two colors shouting at me the loudest, so to speak. Then I apply that color to the spirit via the aura and discern intuitively what is best and where to apply it. It may not look like much in terms of the one sentence or two that I post, but it’s something that takes time and energy on my part. My book on this topic will be out soon and it will be a more lengthy and more complete way to present my findings.

For further explanation on how I personally came to understand the aura, please pick up a copy of my memoir, Medium Rare.  It is available at Barnes and Noble or iBooks for purchase or to read a sample.




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