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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Clairede Dirval SL Female Singing Sensation- Tea Couturier Reporting...

Clairede Dirval; just the simple mention of that name, you will know that this is a performer who not only puts on an awesome show but also sings from the heart.

Clairede  performs shows with her partner Dixie Silverweb. They are a popular team and can be found at the top venues in SL.
 I was lucky enough to catch them both on a break during a sound check.

Interview with Clairede Dirval and Dixie Silverweb

Tea: How did you begin working as a performing in SL? Also what music genre do you sing.?

Clairede : Stumbled into it. Realized I could do it and it went from there. I sing & play most all genres.

Dixie: I was already a studio musician in RL and had no intentions to play in SL. But I met Claire and found the singer that I wanted

Tea: Oh how nice. SL has changed throughout the years and I am sure this has also been reflected in the music business. Do you think this has been for the best? 

Clairede:  No. It has not been the for the best for the music end of things.  Some of the changes have meant that quite a bit of the population has left or moved to other grids.  No audience, less shows.  Musicians end up playing for each other.  Lack of new people, fresh ideas from those non existing new people have made some people lose interest. They stopped coming in or coming back.  The viewer situation also drove many away.  Instead of fixing what they had they made it less user friendly to anyone who was new.  It has changed the attendance of shows very much.  Summer used to always be a slow time, it feels like summer most of the year now and summer is even worse.  The artists that used to have 70 at a show now have 30 to 40, and the 20 people show is down to 9 to 13.  Unless they try to promote SL and bring in new people, I fear it is only going to get worse.

Dixie: When there is less people online, Its surely not for the best

Tea: Yes that is true. What brought you to SL? 

Clairede: A friend of mine was in Second Life.  I worked with her in RL. She kept saying what a great time she was having and urged me to come in.  She runs an art gallery here.

Dixie: Curiousity. I made a The Sims 2 (video game) track and heard about SL . After 5 years Im still there.

Tea: Who would be your inspiration in RL in the music industry?

Clairede: Too many to mention. A lot of bands old and new are inspirational and give you that drive to succeed in your craft.

Dixie: The Beatles and all those 70s prog bands

Tea:  Fans/supporters in SL supporting you, I am sure helps spur any performer on. How has this made you strive on in performing?   
Clairede:  I performed all my life in rl venues.  This is the end of the road but still keeps my fingers in it.  Strive? Lol I don’t strive for anything, I enjoy what I accomplish.  I’m not a want to be, I’m a has been.

Dixie: Fans/supporters helps me not depress on slow gigs.

Tea:  Yes having a good support of loyal fans does help. What do you like to do in SL when you’re not performing?  

Clairede: Hang out with my Partner Dixie :D He has been a great support and influence. We also work together so it is great to perform with him.

Dixie: Cuddling my babe

Tea: Awww. What can we expect for 2014?
Clairede:  New songs, covers, originals and different ideas put into play.  We have many ideas we just run out of time to do them all.

Dixie: More and more new songs.  Maybe a few originals.






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