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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Was your social networking account deleted because you were not a "REAL" person? Get Connected on

Many of the most popular social networking sites clearly state in their Terms of Service that you will NOT provide false information or have more than one personal account. 

Therefore, many of the avatars you see on these sites are in breach of the most common TOS guidelines. Likewise, if you disregard those TOS guidelines, you are at risk of having all the work and effort you put into building your online network erased in one regretful moment! It’s happened to many avatars from SL, and it could happen to you. 

Now there is a solution.

At, you CAN have more than one account for your alts and different grids. 

You CAN go by your username and keep your personal identity private. You CAN use your groups and walls for advertising your services and products. You CAN have the freedom of creating the social network of your avatar’s dreams! 

That’s not all!
Meet people with similar interests
Add friends
Post on your wall
Announce and invite friends to your events
Create groups for your businesses, hobbies, and interests
Write your own blog
Post pictures and videos
Participate in Forum discussions
Send Private Messages to your friends
Chat in real time privately with your friends
Chat with everyone online at the same time
Join in Video chat
Share your favorite links
And more! is your one stop social networking solution!

Like most sites, we DO have our own Terms of Service. Our terms include things such as:
Refrain from harming others through bullying, slander, and defamation of character.
Do not upload or provide content that is illegal and such. They are basic things that keep order and protect you and others.  A full TOS agreement can be found on our site.

So . . . What are you waiting for? 

Join Avatar Hookup Today!

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