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Friday, May 16, 2014

The Mother of Baby Products Trace Corbets- Piers Diesel Reporting...

With this past Mother’s day now behind us, the baby products industry in Second Life is still as competitive as in any business in Second Life. 

 SLE set its sights on what the parents in Second Life want and need to make sure they have a complete parenting experience and how they keep their little ones happy.

Many of us have heard  GOOCCI GOO and are aware that it is one of the leading baby brand names in Second Life but we do not know much about the creator Trace Coberts.
Trace has worked hard in building her business to what it is today and SLE thought it was time to shine our spotlight and find out a bit more about her . This interview is not only for our readers but also for her loyal customers who have supported her and have helped Trace’s business grow.

Interview with Trace Corbets

Piers: Hi Trace,  how did you get the idea of designing baby clothing/products? Also what inspired the name?

Trace Coberts: Well to be honest, I had heard of the clothing kits for various babies. I decided to look into them to see what the kit actually contained and after viewing the contents of the kit I thought that it was something that I would enjoy doing. Since day one in sl I have been building and wanted to test my hand in photoshop so felt this was the right product and time to begin.

With the name, lol, I really don’t know how I came up with the name. It was just something that just came to me and thought uhm that sounds like a catchy name, so went with it. Really my store was only supposed to stay "small" I never had any intentions of it growing as big as what it is today lol.

Piers:  GOOCCI GOO has been so successful but what do you think are the main reasons for its success?

Trace Coberts: Well I think with any business it is down to constant making of new items, hard work and also the love of what you are creating. I think this is the main reason why GOOCCI GOO has been successful.

Piers: Anyone who has been in Second Life will have noticed that the baby industry in Second Life is let’s say "booming" What do you feel the reasons are for this?

Trace Coberts: I think that people always love babies and to be able to have a baby in SL, to be able to nurture and to look after your baby just as RL, also as the babies in SL have become so advance in what you’re able to do, has played a great part in why having a baby in SL is so popular. Also if we go deeper and bring RL into it, it also has become popular for those who are not able to have children in real life, also for partners to build a special bond together as they would in RL.

Piers:  What advice would you give anyone wanting to enter the baby manufacturing business in Second Life?

Trace Coberts: Really just to stick with it as it doesn’t happen overnight

Piers:  What do you like to do when you are not creating in Second Life?

Trace Coberts: Honestly, that is basically all I do in Second Life, other than tormenting a few friends. I am usually creating LOL and yes, I do love the babies here in second Life. I love creating for them but there is only one I chose to role play with and that is funsies

Piers: What is next for you?

Trace Coberts: Lands. Who knows? I am always finding another baby to make clothing for. Lol. Really I just plan to continue to do what I have been doing, after a much needed vacation!

GOOCCI GOO have sales on many of their products so TP and check the store out.

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