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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Spotlight on Clint Quandry-Las Vegas Style Entertainment in Second Life - Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Isle de Casanova & Isle de Paradise have a Las Vegas style theme which provides a variety of exciting activities to Second Life residents.

You can find the Chippendale's Tribute of SL showcasing their goods, Rio; a Las Vegas style showplace featuring popular game show nights, romantic locations, Casanova’s Theater & Lounge which showcases a sexy burlesque show, movies and other events. We can’t forget to mention original shops to splurge Lindens and a great group of people who host the various forms of Las Vegas style entertainment.

 The SL Enquirer sat down with the man behind it all.

Interview with Clint Quandry

Lanai: Hi Clint, it is a pleasure to be interviewing you. You have been actively involved on the grid since 2008. I remember going to see some Chippendale Tribute shows years ago and handing out paper cuts like no one’s business. I am glad to see you are still going strong in Second Life.

Clint:  Great to be here.  *kisses her hand*   Yessss, I trust you still have the.. 'momentos' you received at those shows?  *wiggles his eyebrows*

Lanai: *blushes* Yes I do still have my autographed handkerchief thank you and I’m not ashamed to say I had a great time with all the hot dancers. I hope they are healing up well from those papercuts.  So…before we get into all of the things that you have to offer the SL community, I’d like to give our readers a little background on you and your team. What brought you to Second Life and who else is involved in doing what you do?

Clint:  My real life family is guilty! We already enjoyed The Sims, and transferring over to Second Life was more than intriguing. The idea of meeting people from all over the world, still boggles me to this day.  Our time in SL was pretty normal from the start... going to shows, clubs, dancing and basic socializing.  When we started looking into aquiring land, my real life wife and I turned to our entertainment experience from our younger days in real life, and said "Let's see what we can do!"  We found a small parcel on mainland and bought a pre-fab club and tried to open a Burlesque style club.  It didn't last long, so we replaced the club with a house, and decided it would be easier to find jobs in entertainment and see where it took us.

I started out as a dancer.. pretty typical.. I quickly learned the ropes, because I had actual real life dance experience.. so I knew what I wanted my performances to be like.. I just needed to make it happen in this environment.  My wife would watch me and give me her opinion, and when one club would close, I would move on to the next.  She was always my biggest fan, and I did it for her.  When I had reached a level that impressed my wife, she turned her critiques to the clubs where I danced. We would spend an hour after each show I did, talking about what could be improved, what we saw that we liked.. and what was completely unacceptable.

Lanai: That is pretty interesting. I think it is great that you are able to share this experience with your real life wife and family. The way you explained observing your performances and discussing them with your wife was a great way to master your skills here. So, what inspired you to become Chippendale Tribute of SL and  event manager?

Clint:   One day, my wife told me to log in.... she wanted to show me something she found. She saw an events notice for a Chippendales show. She attended and I watched over her shoulder. She turned to me and said, "You need to call Corporate and tell them about this untapped source of publicity."   Little did I know, this was the first step into representing the most famous male revue.. in Second Life. When we started up, the traffic to the real life Chippendales website   ( jumped 30%. 

After a few phone calls, I turned to my wife and said.. "They don't know anything about this... and I know I can do better" and so I started contacting the people that were already doing shows and using the Chippendales name.  I introduced myself, and checked out their shows, but most were either non-existent or just men dancing on poles... or a line of guys on a stage, all dancing on one dance HUD. In my opinion, their shows were nothing like the shows I was involved in, in the late 1980's, in Los Angeles. I started gathering the best dancers I had worked along side. The word spread fast.. women I had known were sending me dancers, saying "You need to make this guy a Chippendale!"  

It had been a long time, but I set up a format for how the shows should flow, knowing full well, it would take a lot of effort to reach the final product, but.. time was one thing we were willing to contribute.  We started gathering animations, dances, costumes.. all we needed was a club to call our home.  

Lanai: Wow, Your sexy points just went up. I didn’t know you were REALLY a Chippendale! (no disrespect to your Wife) But it all makes sense now.  Since I’ve mentioned you are an SL Chippendale, let’s start by talking about that. 

How often are the SL Chippendales featured and what should the ladies of SL expect from these shows?  

Clint:   Our Chippendales Tribute Show performs at The Rio on the first Thursday of every month. Shows start at 6pm slt and last 90 minutes, with a brief after-party taking us to 8pm slt.

For those who have a special occasion coming up, we also do special bookings, where we can perform at The Rio, or off site at another club or venue. 

The ladies can expect the most realistic male revue show available on the grid. If you have ever been to see the Chippendales in real life.. you can expect to see the SAME SHOW here.  

When ladies enter the club, they are greeted and encouraged to take a seat.. and get comfortable. Our customized chairs from Luna Animations set us apart from all the rest! The ladies take their places by sitting on one of the pink balls... and shortly afterward, the blue ball hides away.. until the dancers leap down to 'visit' with their guests. 

We get several ladies who arrive and are quite shocked that we ask them to sit... if they frequent male strip clubs in Second Life... they most certainly have never been asked to sit upon their arrival before!  Yes, some ladies resist sitting.. but we assure them.. the animations are not going to allow anything to occur.. that would not normally occur during a real life Chippendales show.  *SMILES*

Lanai: o.O  I need to get out more and work less in Second Life!
Besides the ladies being taken care of with attention by these hot and steamy dancers, the men have a place to go too!  What can you tell me about Minsky’s Burlesque Shows that takes place at Casanova’s Theater & Lounge?

Clint:   Ahhhh, yessss... When we formed Minsky's Burlesque, people questioned the name... but.. that just proved to us that they were not familiar with the history of Burlesque in real life. In New York City, the Minsky family ran several famous Burlesque venues... and they were the first to bring the concept of runways to the United States!  (Models should appreciate that little known fact)

So, after trying several different formats, we have settled with our original concept... and we offer authentic, vintage style shows! The ladies create their own stage sets, put together their costumes and dances... and once a week, on Friday nights.. they raise the movie screen up, at  Casanova's Theater, and turn the classic theater into Casanova's Theater & Lounge.. where the men can experience the heavenly bodies in a classy, chic show which is second to none.

Lanai: Nice thank you for that interesting fact, I did not know that. It sounds like you have the concept of these sexy performances down. What other things happen at Casanova’s Theater? 

Clint:   When the ladies are not on stage, the theater is just that! A real theater, where everyone is welcome to enjoy a movie, a snack.. a beverage.. all for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (except of course Fridays from 7pm - 10pm)  Donations go towards the purchase of more movies.. and we ask our guests to vote on which movies they want added to our current list of over 70 of Hollywood's favorite films.

Lanai: That is quite the collection of movies! For the couples in Second Life©,  a nice movie date would be perfect. You also have a beautiful venue rightfully named  Almost Heaven. It is definitely like floating in the clouds. You’ve  done a fantastic job of creating that romantic atmosphere that couples love to enjoy together. What types of activities happen there? BTW thank you for the wings,  that was a sweet gift to receive at such a place!

Clint:   *smiles*   There is a bit of history to our little piece of Heaven.  When I retired from being a gigolo here in SL, I put together a platform above our house.. rezzed all my animation balls along the rock edges of the platform.. and brought my  wife up to show her... that I was "hanging up my balls".. hehe    She suggested we open the platform up to the public, and.. it has been ever since. It is quite popular for weddings, as well.

Now, we have DJ's and live singers / musicians featured whenever possible. It is usually very quiet; the dances are organized so that even inexperienced dancers can match the tempo of the dance to the music. It's quite unique.

Lanai:  Hanging up your balls, brilliant play of words lol.  You seem to have something fun for everyone covered with Mavendorf Entertainment . The Rio is very nicely designed. I really like the Las Vegas style entrance with palm trees swaying in the breeze and the open space where you host game shows! Now this is something I do not come across often in Second Life. Can you give our readers a rundown of the different game shows you host as well as days they operate and prizes?

Clint:  Certainly!  I would love to!

As a business owner.. in real life or in second life.. you have to be different. In order to attract people, you have to offer something that no one else offers. One thing I have never seen in SL, is game shows. I had seen the games made, so you can play the games with your family and friends, but I had never experienced anyone turning the games into actual events.. so when we opted to make some changes at The Rio, I suggested Game Shows, and although they are very new on the grid, everyone that has attended, seems to like what we are doing!

On Tuesday nights, at 6pm, DJ Cybercat Bekkers puts your music knowledge to the test with "Tune Smithy".. the SL version of Name That Tune.

Wednesdays the Wheel of Fortune spins on stage and the contestants try to solve the puzzles and compete for great prizes from our Sponsors.

Thursdays, we call out to all those people who have large inventories... because that's when we play.. "Let's Make A Deal"  

We also have Bingo, Deal or No Deal, The Gong Show (a quarterly talent contest) and Hollywood Squares.

Our Sponsors donate wonderful prizes for our winners! We are very thankful to have the support of businesses such as The SL Enquirer, Luna Animations, sf Designs, X-Clusive Animations, PlantPet Warehouse Breedable Plants, Bootgasm, Bikers BrAAtz and Bastards, Reasonable Desires, Funny F*ckers!, United InshCon and more.

Lanai: Wow you have all the classic type of game show lineups. I might just participate in let’s Make a Deal because my inventory is just ridiculous! Thank you for sharing all of these amazing activities you provide for residents of Second Life© . I am sure it keeps you very busy. Before we wrap up this interview is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?


In the middle of where our two sims meet.. we have details about all of our businesses under one roof. If you are looking for entertainment... look no further!

The entertainment industry in SL is more vast than most people seem to realize. There are numerous clubs with DJ's, dancing, live singers etc.  but what is overlooked most often, is actual theater experiences. Not only do we feature the shows we have discussed, but we also perform the Award Winning Trans-Siberian Orchestra Tribute, Authentic Luaus starring a live singer tribute to Don Ho, and we have other Tribute shows we are putting together currently.. The Muppets and a Patsy Cline Tribute show, starring live singer, Patsy Petrov.

What makes all of our shows possible.. is team work. We take one show, repeat that successful business plan, and make the show ... ummm... 'virtually' reality.  *smiles*

Additional Information:


Twitter:   ChippendalesBossman


Preferred Contact:    BetinaValentin Biler ~ Show Coordinator  and  Co-Owner

What Happens in SL Vegas- Ends up in The SL Enquirer

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