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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Batista's Restaurant and Mountain Resort - Piers Diesel Reporting

It can be hard to find a good restaurant in Second Life which offers you good service and also feels like you are experiencing fine dining. However, many of you may have heard of Batista the restaurant but not know about Batista the resort.

The owners DeAngelo Batista and Jennifer Batista were happy for me to walk around the resort and have access to areas which are private. Due to them being busy organizing 2 big parties one for 20 people and another for 50, their daughter was kind enough to show me around and  answer some of my questions.

Piers: How did Batista come about?

ŚöηÐєє Batista: It started as an idea for serving the people of SL with a unique role play dining experience. My mother has customer service experience and a flair for romance which is why the idea to bring a mix came about.

Piers: Can you tell us what someone would experience when they came here?

ŚöηÐєє Batista: depending on which service they were coming for...if it were a dining experience they would be greeted with a friendly member of staff and served each meal with our unique descriptions of the dishes...
If they were coming for a resort stay, they would be greeted by a member of management when they check in, then taken down to their private cabin and given some instruction as well as being asked if they had any questions. The sim is fully equipped with plenty to do and they would have access to all of that
We try to make each person's stay or visit with us one that will make them return or tell the next person about. That’s very important to us here at Batista's

Piers: So this is the private dining area?

ŚöηÐєє Batista: This is one of the 3 we have this one is called Enchanted when you dine here, you will have a private server for 2 hours at a time.

ŚöηÐєє Batista: Here we have Lovers Pavilion

Piers: How would the booking process work?
ŚöηÐєє Batista: nay): Well back at the restaurant is the main landing point...we have an automated receptionist there where you can get a reservation card for either dinner or resort stays. Once you fill that out, you would pass it one of the members of management, at that time we will work on availability of a server if its dinner or just the details of the stay for resort stays. All services are paid up front so once we contact the guests, we will then provide them with either a receipt or a detailed itinerary of they stay and activities.

Piers: How did the resort idea come about?
ŚöηÐєє Batista: Well my mother is always thinking of new ways to improve the business...she thought that offering more than just dinner would be a great idea if we can provide an atmosphere that would be pleasing to all. The fact that the talent behind the decorations of the sim helps as well...they know we will offer quality scenes and things for them to enjoy. Also with the resort the guests come to check in. This Lodge is equipped with a working bar and a gym upstairs for the guests use while they are here. We also have teleport pads for them to get around the sim on as well. Here we give them their group tags then take them down to their cabins. They also receive a gift bags with goodies for both of them. We also have gift certificates available for all of our services. If a guest requests it, we will have a bartender here to serve them.

We serve breakfast/brunch and dinner for the guests when they stay...we serve the early meal out on the balcony upstairs and the dinner in one of the dining venues

We don’t bother the guests when they are here, we just remind them of activities that are scheduled. The Spa would be another scheduled activity. For one night it would be 1500L, it would come with breakfast or brunch depending on the time of day and dinner as well as having access to all the amenities that come with that package

Piers: What do you like to do as a family when not running the business empire?
ŚöηÐєє Batista: Well we usually gather for meals at either my place or my parents. Sometimes my sister cooks and has us over there. I'm planning an outing to a skating park this week. I'm planning an outing to a skating park this week bowling, skating, spa treatment. I’m looking forward to it
Piers: What is next for you as a business?
ŚöηÐєє Batista: Hmm well I will say that my Dad and I have been talking about a Hospitality Service. So help educate other restaurant businesses on a successful way to serve their customers. Like I said, we have been to many places to eat here in SL and without sounding rude, there is a bit to be why not offer classes to help others learn to do it a little better?

It is clear after talking to SonDee and looking around that Batista's restaurant and Mountain Resort, it is a place which is not only popular but it is growing with them always looking to expand and build on the concept.

 Visit Batista’s restaurant and Mountain Resort and experience it for yourself

Group: 00e6a110-fe21-b51a-3c79-5f6efe68a157

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for this article! I really wanted to find a realistic dining experience in SL, and agree that most have been lacking. I just became engaged and this sounds like a great place to celebrate, or come for our honeymoon!
    I wish the Batistas much success and that they keep this going a long time!


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