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Friday, April 11, 2014

Spring Forward: Street Fashion and Style- Mikile Vinciolo Reporting…

Spring fashions this year round still follows a trend, as always, and so do avid patrons of the industry. However, for the majority of individuals, it is more about the freedom of expression through the medium of style and clothing.

The mainstays of fashions seems to be: floral and other fun patterns, pastels, light fabrics that catches hold of the spring breeze and allows for "breathing". There is also the mix of jackets, thin sweaters, and other Fall essentials in spring colours mixed in.
You also include shorts, sandals, and tanks as well to completely shed any items reflective of the winter past.

 Speaking to friends and total strangers in Second Life about what spring fashion is, views are varied and personal.

Sincereli and I begin our girl talk in her shoe store, the perfect setting for a conversation about fashion and style. She was elegantly dressed in a contemporary gown that was reminiscent of a post-modern infrastructure. Before asking of her personal style, I prejudged her answer with something of the future and beyond, but she tells me that her personal style is influenced by a “mixture of contemporary and classic” lines. She goes on to say that her style is steeped in age appropriation and a little seduction here and there.

I moved the conversation along with the question, “What are your favorite designers to wear for Spring?”

Sincereli answers, “Pretty much all [designers]. If I like the product I will support [it].”
She shortly thereafter tells me, after some squeezing, that she favours Gizza, MAAI for their gowns, Miamai and Loovus Dzeavavoor.

And, before I maniacally chased down another interviewee, I asked Sincereli, “What is your favorite Spring accessory?”

Her first answer lied in the realm of beauty, in which she enjoyed wearing pastel lip colors by Pink acid, Madrid Solo, and MUA lipsticks.
Moments later she threw in jewelry 7891, Foil and Chop Zuey for her favorite accessory shops for spring.

In a frenzy to catch my next victim, I gathered my things and dashed out into the streets, sprinting like a mad cow. I  caught up with Cassidy Coy as I gasped for air.
She was definitely dressed for the Spring season in a gingham-style sheath dress in a contemporary cut. I had to interview her.

“How would you describe your personal style?” I asked.

“I prefer a Vintage/retro feel. I am inspired by the Pin up era and style,” She graciously responds.

I could definitely see the inspiration in her feminine get up against the hard grain of tattoos, topped with a pin-up hairstyle.
The spring time and all of its madness is also a focus point in her style and clothing choices for spring.

The typical floral and sunny fabrics is the gamut of her selection, as she divulges that she selects her own textures to apply to the full perm mesh clothing that she wears.
Imako, Anni and Dolphin designs are a few that she wears for the purpose of having full texturizing capabilities.

She gave me a twirl that ended with a smile as warm as the spring. I looked her over ensemble and notice of her cute wedges.

I had to know what her favorite accessories of the season were.

Shoes and belts come from her mouth vivaciously. I giggled a bit at the fervent display.
“Is there a particular shoe that is a must have for Spring?”

To Cassidy, any brand of wedge platform like the (HR 2.0) Lace Peeptoe Wedge she wore would do.

Amiable hugs and air kisses pervaded the quiet ambiance of the store in which we chatted.
I took my time leaving as Cassidy immediately vanished from sight.

My adventure for the next worthy interviewee began and ended quickly as I remembered I had a slew of fashion savvy friends in my roost.

Habib Maalouf, a hot and delicious plate of man, was sure to have some fashion sense, as he is a Professional model.

After pulling some strings and rubbing a magic lamp, there appeared this damper man that could give Tyson Beckford a run for his money.

He was dressed to thrill as he states that he usually loves to dress up and show it around,” shortly after stating that his style was boring-O, contrary!
He sauntered over to me as I caught a glimpse of his leopard loafers-and he said that his style was boring.

He told me that he like to dress up for attention, but also his efforts are for his self-taught blog and photography lessons.

Clubbing and hanging with friends are inspiration behind how he dressed generally.
I was curious to learn where he spends his hard earned lindens, in hopes of gathering information about those loafers.

”I always love Gabriel, Dozze, Legal INsanity and redgrave,” he sings.
“What is your favorite Spring accessory?” I asked as I watch him settle in comfortably into his seated stance.

Sorgo and Redgrave Shades are his fave sunglasses to have handy for the blocking of sun and camera flashes.
He also loves headsets, particularly the Mandala brand, handy for his musical needs.
As the day continued, I mustered the strength to talk to one more person, a new friend of mine as well.

I gave him a call and moments later, I was escorted to his house.
The place was decked out…and so was he.

With no hesitation, I laid my question out on the table, “Tell me about your personal style.”
With spitfire speed, he replies, “I am into the urban fashion. I like ethnic appeal. I normally wear a suit and tie, but I do not think there is a place for that in SL. I wear my hair natural [in] a cultural fashion.”
A man after my heart. I love my fashions, but ethnic fashions are more interesting, unique, and fun patterns to flirt with.
Not to mention, how carefree and liberating I feel in a lightweight, ethnic printed sundress.
He continues on to speak about the lack of ethnic fashion availability on the Second Life platform.

“I think SL has a lack of urban clothing stores, etc. It appears more geared to European/American style of dressing.”

We sat and pondered on the dark, yet truthful statement.
He is right, there is a cornucopia of Euro/American style fashions and clothing, but the availability of ethnic garbs are few and far in between. What is the real cause of the ethnic fashion curb?

Changing the direction and mood perfuming the air, I had to invade this man’s closet to find out where he shops.

“L&H, TRC, Barmaley, and kal rau…so official is nice too, [although] I have had some issues with his meshes. I asked him to fix this one (pulling out a nice white jersey with tricolor bands across the front of the jersey.) I love a good jersey.”

I saw his shoes, his shades, and watch, all of which are luxurious in appearance and high quality.
“What are your favorite spring accessories?”

Unorthodox for his braids, 2bReal for a hat that he has his eyes, and So Official for a beanie that is also under his radar.

We engaged in off the record conversation that was just a refreshing as spring.
From the few individuals whose words were immortalized by the stroke of my pen, my idealization of fashion has been solidified.

 Fashion is what you make it.

Trends are cool to follow, maybe incorporate into one’s closet, but nothing is more rejuvenating and fresher than having your own personal style. 

Here are some links to the fashion shops mentioned above


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