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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

It’s April Fool’s Day! Have you Checked Your Back for a Kick Me Sign?

April Fool’s Day is not a national holiday but it is observed every year by many who like mischief.  In Second Life it might be a bit difficult to play practical jokes on friends unless you have rights to move or modify their objects or buy cheap little gadgets that blindside your targets and make it look like they are saying random and embarrassing things in open chat. This tool could be a riot in the right hands and a griefer attack in the wrong ones.

Other practical jokes include the cruel kind like, “I’m breaking up with you for your friend” or “Surprise, I’m pregnant!” followed by a pause for reaction and the ever so cliché “April Fools!”

 No matter what it is you decide to do, make sure it is worth the laugh, a slap or loss of friends and lovers.

The SL Enquirer kicked off this day a little early in order to get this published on time. Lanai decided to go undercover and ask unsuspecting avies some very inappropriate questions for a reaction. Little did they know  SLE was behind it and they would become April Fool’s Victims for your entertainment.

Here’s what happened.

*Warning, this mischief contains some sexual style questions not suitable for the uptight.

SLE’s  undercover prankster went snooping around at a couple of venues and came across an avatar standing at the entrance of a romance club minding his own business.

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: WOW (Fool 1)! OMG look like you should be on an "I can't believe it's not Butter" commercial.... Fabbio lous!

 Fabio: thanks miss

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: You are so welcome. Do you have a girlfriend?

Fabio: too many and none.

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: Boyfriends?

Fabio: please. .. no!

SLE’s Undercover Prankster): that’s too bad I’m into polyamory

Fabio: polyamory ? I guess I should Google that.

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: Oh it’s just an all around party.

Fabio: I guess I am too. but not everyone consents that.

Bystander: excuse me Miss...isn't polyamory a 'love of polyester?'

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: lol depends on what fabrics those involved are into...

Fabio: more like free love I think

Bystander: oh....good...I'm only wearing wool and cotton blends right now

This next random prank kind of backfired…

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: Hi  “Jane” I am looking for a freebie sex toy shop, would you know where I can find a rabbit that I have the option of changing its color? I really like the color blue.

Bystander: blushes and tugs his collar...swallowing hard

 SLE’s Undercover Prankster: Btw nice outfit

Bystander: oh Mommy!

 SLE’s Undercover Prankster: o.O Where is your tip jar “Jane”?

After an Awkward moment of silence…..our undercover prankster gets an IM

SLE’s Undercover Prankster:Second Life: Incoming message from “Jane”

“Jane”: hello there.

SLE’s Undercover Prankster:Hi

“Jane”: How are you sweetie?

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: Im good I was just trying to find a good sex toy shop.

“Jane”: oh you were asking before, I guess I missed chat.

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: oh i thought you were just ignoring me. Its ok I'll search for one

“Jane”: no! sorry. I am not paying enough attention to the controls. Lol I need to come back more often, any way, good luck. Oh, TRY VAW. Lots of juicy toys there. Check back and show me what you get. Lol gives you a little kiss.

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: o.O

 Moving along to random prank 3… This one took place in a packed dance club.

PRANK 3-Same question, different variations

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: Hi you look like someone who might be into this. Would you like to be my sub? I really like to leash my men around second life wearing a tutu and heels. If you don’t mind my suggestion,  maybe get a set of nipple piercings and a new haircut and you would totally be my perfect man. Thank you

 James: thanks, but not into that...but have fun

SLE’s Undercover Prankster:: That's a shame. ok Bye


Let me try asking someone else…This time the guy had “Lucky” tattooed across his chest…


SLE’s Undercover Prankster: Hi, today I am feeling lucky!  You look like someone who might be into this. Would you like to be my sub? I really like to leash my men around second life wearing a tutu and heels. If you don’t mind my suggestion, maybe get a set of nipple piercings and a new hairstyle and you would totally be my perfect man.

Ben: lmao

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: I’m being serious

Ben: not into tutu and heels

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: that’s too bad I bet you would melt my ice cream if you tried it

Ben: i doubt it

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: got any friends that might be interested?

 Ben: none i know of that want to be subs

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: oh ok thanks. Forget this conversation ever happened.

 Ben: but have you ever been to rosewood plantation?

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: no?

Ben: all kinds there

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: nice do you have a landmark?

Ben: subs and anything else you can imagine

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: told you I was feeling lucky. Thank you!

Ben: Kentucky Rain (169,127,39) your welcome

A new club… A new prank victim...same question.


SLE’s Undercover Prankster: Hi, I might be going out on a limb here but you look like someone who might be into this. Would you like to be my sub? I really like to leash my men around second life wearing a latex suit and ball gag. If you don’t mind my suggestion, maybe get a set of nipple piercings and a new hairstyle and you would totally be my perfect man. Thank you

Fred: AFK or busy but probably AFK :P

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: damn

Fred: no thank you but i can collar you if you want

SLE’s Undercover Prankster:I don't swing that way

Fred: me neither

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: That's too bad you'd look awesome with a gag

Fred: lol

Let’s turn it up a notch…..

QUESTION 4:   Polka dots, Subs, Mayonnaise and Hot Sauce

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: Hi I’m sorry to bother you but I don’t think your stripes work and it is killing the atmosphere in here. Might I suggest polka dots? Thanks.

 Moon: hi

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: Hi

He totally disregarded my suggestion so let’s turn up the heat with another twisted question….

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: I might be going out on a limb here but you look like someone who might be into this. Would you like to be my sub? I really like to leash my men around second life wearing a latex suit and ball gag. If you don’t mind my suggestion, maybe get a set of nipple piercings and a new hairstyle and you would totally be my perfect man.

 Moon: yea maybe

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: O.O


SLE’s Undercover Prankster: Do you like Mayonnaise?

Moon: yea I do. r u a mistress?

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: Yes I am, with a mayonnaise fetish. You?

 Moon: i dont know

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: do you like frank's hot sauce and peanut butter?
Moon: I think everybody has a side of sub and a side of master

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: I like to think I am the Queen of all Masters

Moon: i never tried frank's hot sauce

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: you don't know what you are missing

  Moon: if u r a queen, its a pleasure to know ur highness

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: Bow to me and kiss my toes please

 Moon: how can i do that?

Time to bail on this one….I almost forgot there are some real colorful personalities here in Second Life.

SLE’s  undercover prankster decided to try the sex toy question on a some  ladies dancing in a club and here is how that turned out….

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: Excuse me, since it is only ladies in here...I am looking for a freebie sex toy shop, would any of you know where I can find a rabbit that I have the option of changing its color? I really like the color aquamarine with glitter. Thanks

 Carrie: ermmm sorry no lol

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: forget that question ever happened.

Carrie: i personally dont go to those places lol

Lisa: rofl

SLE’s Undercover Prankster: Why not?  It’s liberating like a candy store, except no matter how long you suck, it never runs out.

Carrie: **~*Hits the damn floor on that one~*~*~**

Lisa: lol

Angie: geeesh.

It was a riot to get away with asking those questions without the threat of a boot or ban. I guess Second Life residents still have that sense of humor that I love. I have to admit my side hurts from pressing enter every time I asked a question. I was laughing hysterically just thinking about their possible reactions.

 I hope you all enjoyed this April Fool’s mischief as much as I did.

-SLE’s undercover prankster

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