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Thursday, March 27, 2014

What Attracts SL Men to SL Women?- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

On March 23rd, SLE’s Cris Coursey polled women avatars about what they look for in SL Men, so it is only fitting that we poll the men of SL and see what attracts them to the virtual women.

I went exploring the grid with pen and pad in hand and approached a few men willing to share their preferences. Intelligence seems to be top priority followed by good looks and personality.

Here’s what some SL Men had to Say….

My first approach was VINCE (vincentpollock). He is a 2 year,8 month resident of Second Life who is in the Blue Bloods Vampire Clan and a Immortal Sins Motorcycle Club member.

Lanai: What do you find most attractive about the women you meet in SL?
VINCE (vincentpollock): I like a lady that can carry on an intelligent conversation. One who is willing to explore and try new things, like a different style of music than she may be used who is willing to expand her horizons with me.  A woman secure in her sensuality that she can be a lady and be sexy.   I think a hint of what lays beneath is more sexy than just showing it all.  It draws a real man in. Entices him to wonder and learn.

Lanai: Is it easier to judge a woman in SL than in RL?

VINCE (vincentpollock): No. In RL you have tone and body language to add to conversation.  Let’s face it, in SL we all can look good and be 30.  In SL communication is the key, especially listening and observing. By observing I mean, see how she acts in public at different venues, how she handles a different situations, is she a talker or a fighter.

Lanai: Do you think what an avi looks like matters?

VINCE (vincentpollock): Well, at first that is what you are attracted too.  So yes to a degree.  Then i read profiles and see how they represent themselves there.  But it all comes down to conversation and what interests you share, or willing to share and that spark.  I have not gone out with some great looking avis due to the fact that they had nothing to offer me...nothing in common, couldnt carry on a conversation, no spark

Lanai: Is there anything else you wanted to share like maybe a comment on women that over-exaggerates their curves? Is this attractive?

VINCE (vincentpollock): Of course a beautiful avi is a plus, icing on the cake.  I try  to make my self attractive as well. That is what engages a woman to read my profile.  Over exaggerated....I feel strongly about that... I do not find it appealing in the least.  However, to each, his or her own.  SL is for dreams and fantasies. i would rather be drawn to a women that is fun and speaks well.  Of course an attractive avie, the whole package counts.

Romero De La Luna is 2 years and 7 months old. He is an arts enthusiast and self-proclaimed voluptuary.  When asked what a 'voluptuary' was, he just stood there, looking outrageously pretty.

Lanai Jarrico: What do you find most attractive about the women you meet in SL?

 Romero de La Luna (romerodeluna): Teeth...they need to have teeth
Lanai: o.O
 Romero de La Luna (romerodeluna):'re working toward deadlline and I'm just being a c**k...okay, for realsies....

Lanai Jarrico: *blinks* Im keeping the recorder on.

Romero de La Luna (romerodeluna):  What I find attractive is women who read profiles and who aren't afraid to initiate a conversation but let me back up....what I find most attractive.  Kindness, a sense of humor and generosity...those are the three traits I find most attractive in women...Hell, people in general. After that I would have to say, a creative spirit....that doesn't mean that the person needs to be a tortured artist, but someone who is willing to playfully engage in their surroundings.

Lanai Jarrico: Is it easier to judge a woman in SL than in RL?

Romero de La Luna (romerodeluna): I'm just taking this stuff straight from your profile by the hmmmm....considering most of the women in SL, statistically speaking, are dudes....hmmm...actually I don't know the statistics...but some of the sims I've been have to am I the only person with 'outdoor plumbing' here? But seriously,  here is my real answer: I believe it is easier for a man to judge a woman in SL, for a couple of  important reasons. First, the whole 'everyone is a  beautiful avatar' scenario kind of levels the playing field for all women...and even men....or maybe, doesn't LEVEL the playing field, but changes the rules.  This is what I mean: A man can be easily fooled by a gorgeous woman, but when everyone is gorgeous, then the women who have cultivated their inner lives are the ones who stand out more in SL.  They are beautiful through and through, whereas women who are not used to working for attention tend to sit by and wait for someone to entertain least that's what I've seen in my experience....Although there are some exceptional women who are both outwardly beautiful and have a deep inner life as well
 (shit I'm  long winded for a you wish you didn't

 Lanai Jarrico: Dang you broke it down. But go ahead.

 Romero de La Luna (romerodeluna): okay...but also I like SL because a woman can pretend and experiment and be playful and cultivate herself...and even if that isn't the 'real''s cool to participate in the experiment....although experiment seems like such a clinical term. That's what I love about sl a dude

Lanai Jarrico: You done yet? Lol… Do you think what an avi looks like matters?

Romero de La Luna (romerodeluna): we go...avi appearance. I'll be honest...yes.  That may seem superficial... but in the world of SL...a woman can create herself...her style matters...the way she outwardly expresses herself through her shape, skin and style....yeah, it matters....I don't have a look that I go for, really but (well at least when I was looking) I look for a woman who is confident in her own style.

Lanai Jarrico: Is there anything else you wanted to share?

Romero de La Luna (romerodeluna):  here is where it's important for your readers to know that....even though this isn't part of the questions,...that I'm  done...cooked.... in love...she stuck her flag in me, did that Captain Morgan pose and said, "In the name of all that is holy, I claim this ass as MINE!" question.

Lanai: lmao! ok
 Romero de La Luna (romerodeluna):'s what I think...and's all about style If a woman I'm with says..."I'm gonna go out tonight as a zombie clown, because dammit, I'm hungry for brains tonight," I'm going to be like "you go girl".  And yeah, I'll go out there with her, be her man, show her off like a goofy action star and be all proud, but you'd be damn sure I'd be taking a shovel with me, just in case.

Lug (lugnut.rust) is 7 years and 10 months old in Second Life. He….Well.. I’m not exactly sure what he does in SL, he stopped responding to my IMz.  I must ask too many questions….

Lanai Jarrico: What do you find most attractive about the women you meet in SL?

Lug (lugnut.rust): they are open minded

Lanai Jarrico: Is it easier to judge a woman in SL than in RL?

Lug (lugnut.rust): it's the same

Lanai Jarrico: can you elaborate on that?

Lug (lugnut.rust): you are who you are, in rl and sl

  Lanai Jarrico: Do you think what an avi looks like matters?

 Lug (lugnut.rust): yes

Lanai Jarrico: Is there anything else you wanted to share like maybe a comment on women that over-exaggerates their curves? Is this attractive?

 Lug (lugnut.rust): ahhh I like small waist, thick thighs and a beautiful booty. I like to see the womanly attributes sticking out

Ben.D. Over (jamiesox) is a 3 year , 2 months old resident. He spends most of his time as a DJ and wedding consultant/minister . Besides that, he can practically create everything  he needs, from animations to logos/textures and scripts
 Lanai Jarrico: What do you find most attractive about the women you meet in SL?
 Ben .D. Over (jamiesox): intelligence, and self-sustaining aka, not depending on others for their sl needs
 Lanai Jarrico: Is it easier to judge a woman in SL than in RL?
 Ben .D. Over (jamiesox): I don't judge SL nor RL. It is harder to form an opinion though, that’s why I insist on voice when we learn to know each other better.

Lanai Jarrico: Is there anything else you wanted to share like maybe a comment on women that over-exaggerates their curves? Is this attractive?

 Ben .D. Over (jamiesox): Partially. A person with a carefully designed av, and correct way of dressing probably is a better organized person in rl. Not always though.  In my opinion, one can over-exaggerate their curves to their liking, to me, a huge behind or breast partition is ridiculous.  Those people don't take themselves serious, so it would never be a possible relationship to me in sl. I ignore those usually, as in, don't make any effort to learn to know them better, I'd rather talk to a clown.

Ironman Zeplin is 5 years and 2 months old. He spends his time DJing in Second Life, playing Tiny Empires and hanging out with friends.

Lanai : What do you find most attractive about the women you meet in SL?
Ironman Zeplin: the most attractive thing I find is their minds...the level of intelligence is a great thing

Lanai: Is it easier to judge a woman in SL than in RL?

Ironman Zeplin: both are equally daunting

 Lanai Jarrico: How so?

Ironman Zeplin: it's never....What you See is what you Get....

Lanai: Do you think what an avi looks like matters?

Ironman Zeplin: to a degree yes. The avie attracts the eye and the mind keep it's attention

Lanai: Is there anything else you wanted to share like maybe a comment on women that over-exaggerates their curves? Is this attractive?

Ironman Zeplin: no I don't find that attractive at all. Proper proportion is more pleasing to My eyes

Will Anderton has been a resident of Second Life for is 6 years and 6 months. He spends his time visiting Lanai at the media center and is satisfied that he don't have to do anything productive at all.

 Lanai Jarrico: What do you find most attractive about the women you meet in SL?

 Will Anderton: they always smell nice

 Lanai Jarrico: umm you can't smell in SL lol

 Will Anderton: let's not debate the technicality and move onto the next one

Lanai Jarrico: hahaha ok. Is it easier to judge a woman in SL than in RL?

Will Anderton: no, it's harder.

 Lanai Jarrico: why?  This is going in SLE’s Avie polls. Give me some more reasoning hahah

 Will Anderton: IRL there are more clues. in SL it takes quite a while to determine their gender before anything else.

 Lanai Jarrico: Do you think what an avi looks like matters?

 Will Anderton: of course

 Lanai Jarrico: why?

 Will Anderton: cause otherwise we'd be using AOL chat rooms like back in the 1990's instead of SL.

 Lanai Jarrico: lol ok next question. Is there anything else you wanted to share like maybe a comment on women that over-exaggerates their curves? Is this attractive?

Will Anderton: it is if it's proportionate.

See what the SL Ladies had to say about what attracts them to SL men

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