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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Tiny Empires/ Spotlight and Interview with Ironman Zeplin- Chipie7 (aka Shaneos Howlett) Reporting...

Tiny Empires is an addictive medieval themed multi users  game that can be played within Second Life. 

 It is free to play and requires a HUD. SLE met up with SL Resident Ironman Zeplin who plays Tiny empires and he  shared some useful information with us.

About Tiny Empires
There are two versions. Tiny Empires is based on Medieval times and Tiny Empires3000 is based on space exploration.  For this report we will focus on the Tiny Empires medievil version.

The Goal

The goal of the game is to cultivate a cadre of loyal followers (subjects), and ascend ranks by amassing gold and land. Gold and land are gained naturally in the game as you play, but they can be more efficiently obtained by attracting and maintaining subjects. The irresistible urge to play grows as you start to realize that your friends may make excellent subjects, and you lure them into the game.

Interview with Ironman Zeplin – a player in the Tiny Empires Game.

Shaneos Howlett : How long have you been playing Tiny Empires?

Ironman Zeplin:  It will be 3 years in June.

Shaneos Howlett : Can you explain what Tiny Empires is all about?

Ironman Zeplin - Tiny Empires is a game played entirely in a HUD window within SecondLife.  The game is set in medieval England, during the time of feudalism: 1100-1300 CE.  The goal of the game is simple: Grow your empire by purchasing land, by gaining followers, and by earning gold.

Shaneos Howlett : How does one join the game ?

Ironman Zeplin - Usually by being asked by another player.  There are Trial HUDS that people can use to start playing.

Shaneos Howlett : Did you start the game ?

Ironman Zeplin - No....I'm just a player.   The Emperor of Tiny Empires is Ultralite Soleil.
He is the one who gets the accolades for that.

Shaneos Howlett : Are there any limitations as to who can join ?

Ironman Zeplin : None that I am aware of

Shaneos Howlett : How many players do they currently have ?

Ironman Zeplin – The best guess would be there are over 250,000 registered players.

Shaneos Howlett : are there any final points you would like to mention about the game ?

Ironman Zeplin - It's an enjoyable game that allows you to build land and gold and friendships,  you get to meet a lot of people and that is a good thing.

We recommend trying the trial version of Tiny Empires yourself to get a real feel for the game.  For a small outlay it certainly looks like it could be worth the time and effort to play it.



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